What gives?

Do you people have lives or something?

Can’t a guy come home from the brewpub and find some online camaraderie anymore?

Yes.  Sorry. 
The waves were cranking and I stayed out till it was too dark to surf anymore.

Sippin a Guiness Foreign Extra Stout now.  YUM!

Now you know how I feel most of the time here in the last time zone (UTC -10).  Everybody’s already asleep during my prime online hours.

My life is sooo sad!  I have to live in Hawaii.  (a tough gig for sure, but somebody’s gotta do it)

Pretty slim pickings when I get online after work. Midnight Central… I guess everyone’s passed out.

I’ll listen to your ramblings. :wink:

I have no life. I think you know that.

I’m still here . . . been away for a few days, but awake for a while still.

You’ve neglected us… :frowning:

I was at the brewery for 12 hours yesterday. I was asleep by 10 last night PM.  :-\

Man, I gave up on you guys way too quick!

I had a 20 hour work day yesterday…I love show biz!  Where’s the sarcasm smiley?

Did I miss the party?  :-\

I think Cap has been spending time over at the BBQ Brethren looking for Tandoori clay.  :)

I’m gonna give him hell for abandoning ship.  :wink:

There have been some some movies being made in Michigan lately I hear… you gonna visit us Denny?  If you do, bring some beer.  :o ;D  Just kidd’n ya, I’ll have some for you to try if you did happen to visit.  ;)  :D  You all know I have no life so I don’t need to go any further with that.  ::)  :smiley:

Dean, I’ve worked a few movies in the past, but done more post production and live performance audio work.  Working movies it too damn hard, although the money is usually good.

Did not you retired?

Work has been busy, but productive, so that’s good.  I made a bit of a breakthrough that’s going to be the focus of my next paper I think, which will help me finish by June.

So I’ll be around, maybe a bit less, but still around :slight_smile:

I am fortunate to have a home office where I can do most of my office work (and an awesome staff that do great self-directed work in the office and lab.)  I have three monitors on my work station.  I often have a SCADA control screen on one, writing a report or doing research on the middle monitor with streaming radio in the background, and surfing the boards on the third.  The 21st century way cooler than I ever imagined it would be…

I can get a lot done from home too, but I have no staff to do anything for me ;D

Learning to take my hands off of the controls and trust my staff was the toughest part of being in business.  Best lesson I ever learned though.

Oh, I’m totally ready to have people implement my ideas and do experiments for me ;D  There just isn’t budget to hire a helper for me.

I really need to learn how to take my hands off my staff.

Female welders - I hope…