Good old days

So a friend and I were talking about the good old days of college…5 years ago, and had a discussion. Kind of Psychological and just wanted other peoples opinion to get more insight into a tipsy dispute. When you are young and drank only to get drunk…every night. When you got a 24 pack, did you find you drank less when the 24 pack was broken into two 12 packs or did it not matter. I was arguing that if you see 24 bottles in front of you and you drank 6 you would say “meh, only drank 25% of a box”. If you had that 24 pack broken into two 12 packs you would say, “wow, I drank half a box” I should watch how quickly I drink. We got into an argument that the two 12 bottle per case pack is better than the 24 pack case to lower alcohol consummation just to get drunk or it did not matter since after you drank six bottles you did not care anymore. We did not factor in the environment, a.k.a peer pressure,  in our discussion.  Again we are tipsy and have a bachelors in psychology. Kind of wondering what others thought in the pub. I live in PA and went to Penn State in PA if that matters. Do you feel that how much beer you see may effect you now or then, or your kids now, how much you/they drink?

I grew up in PA. We could not get 12 packs. Only cases from distributor or 6 packs from bar. And we definitely drank a lot of beer. I’m sure we never thought about it philosophically.

Peer pressure LOL !!!

Psychology test, apply typical “peer pressure”  to the scenario

Peer:  "wanna go drink? "
Buddy:  "sure! "
And the drink all day, all night, and into the morning

Same pressure different question
Peer:  "wanna work? "
Buddy:  “sure”
And they work five minutes, take a break, see a tavern and one says

Peer:  "wanna drink? "…


It wouldn’t matter for me because if I brought home a two-four,  2 twelves, or even worse 4 sixes (because a lot of the craft beer I drank in the Good Old Days - a lot more than 5 years ago - only came in sixes), I’d put it in the fridge and then I’d just keep drinking til the fridge was empty or I was full.  I do know that in my second year of college, after I’d paid for school, food, books etc, I had about 13K in the bank and I figure I drank almost all of it.  At that time, I basically drank a car.

I didn’t like beer until I discovered craft beer. Pretty much from the beginning it was Jager or Captain to get drunk or scotch/beer to savor. Plus, it’s awfully hard to put away a case of Old Peculier in one sitting.

We could get 6 packs, 12 packs, cases, quarts, etc.  This was more than 35 years ago in Chicago.  Other than pounding beers at a party, I had a few drinking com padres and we drank to enjoy the beer for the most part.  Sometimes I guess we would get popped.  I’m not saying we didn’t at times just pound em’.  This brings back memories of the unfortunate times where we could only scratch together $5 bucks.  So off the liquor store for some “Fox Deluxe”.  24 returnable bottles for $4.80 including the deposit.  We were definitely just looking to get some drinking in with that horse piss.  But then there was the always awesome Schlitz Dark on tap at the Gaslight Lounge…

But these are different times now and I’m much older.  Occasionally I’ll have a beer too many.  I have a pretty good inventory on tap(s) and bottles, but the pain and suffering of over consumption hurts more now…

Thanks for reminding me of some good times!

In college the deciding factor on how much to drink depended solely on how much change we could find under car seats and sofa cushions.  Then we’d head down to the store and buy that much Burgie or whatever was cheapest that day.  If Burgie was $.89 a sixer and Carling was on sale for $.79 we were drinking Carling that day, and we would drink until it was all gone whether that meant a case or a sixer.

It’s been almost 30 years but if my memory serves me correct we drank lots of beer to stay hydrated:) we drank lots of whiskey to get drunk:D

[quote]In college the deciding factor on how much to drink depended solely on how much change we could find under car seats and sofa cushions.

I was always broke, so my budget for drinking was limited by the avaliable resources…when I had more money, though, I tended to start the night drinking better beer, and thus, usually drank less over the course of evening.

I did most of my drinking at the bar. so I just kept going till last call. or until I had a better place to be  ::slight_smile:

In college, we mostly drank beer before going out to the bar. Mostly to save money. I guess the amount we drank at home was determined by how broke we were.  It was usually whatever cheap light beer was on sale, although very early on a lot of prebuzz bar times were provided by Mogen David or Gordon.

I went to school in VT and was grandfathered into the new age limit (I turned 18 just before the passed the law to raise the age to 21).  We drank whatever the cheapest thing was.  That meant hitting up frat parties that had kegs, Stroh’s 30 packs, something we called Hiney Wine which was a Bartels and James wine cooler that sold at the local department store, and $.10 Genesee drafts on Tuesday nights.

Honestly, we didn’t care what was left or how much we drank…just that we were still alive in the morning.

That was pretty much my college days too. It was then that Coors finally opened up and started distributing east of the Mississippi, and all the hype ensued. Then the newness wore off quickly and I realized it was pretty much the same as all the other big brewery crap.  After graduation it wasn’t long before Sierra started showing up here though, and that was a game changer for me.  Beer could actually taste great.

And be less filling?  ;D

I’d probably get the largest amount and the watch my fellow drinker like a hawk to be sure they didn’t start drinking into my share. ;D As far as the OP I’ve thought of this and now just pull everything out of the case, boxes whatever and fill the shelf/door up in the fridge. No worries about consumption because once I drink six or so the desire to drink fades. Usually. ::slight_smile:

Having had a roommate who went to Penn State, the case of 24 7-ounce Rolling Rock Beers served at a certain bar is such an anomaly from the real world, you should develop arguments on real world topics, of which they are plenty of them to debate.

Yep. Used to get a “bucket of ponies”, 7 oz Rolling Rocks in a metal bucket of ice to share with friends. Those were some fun times. And regardless of whatever beer snobbery BS I may now presume, those ice cold 7 oz bottles of RR were delicious.

For us it was 8 packs of Miller High Life ponies when we were feeling rich.

Daym, I remember putting a keg in the trunk on ice in a half bbl…fishing the
cobra tap up thru the back seat in the ole chev and cruzing and boozin…YEAH, IT