So I drank a couple beers, and got nothing.
Put in some rum, and God knows how much whiskey…
… an hour later, I’m still mostly fine.
See here’s the thing: I rely on feeling drunk to know when to stop. It’s rather unpleasant. My head starts to throb, gets all fuzzy, I start having flu-like symptoms, teeth hurt, jaw hurts… and that’s usually after like 3 beers in under an hour. It’s not much. It’s not really spectacular either; the pressure starts coming on and I stop when I’ve just started to feel it.
Well, THAT never happened. So I went and showered, shaved (straight razor! No cuts, nice shave), noted my very poor motor skills.
Decided my body wasn’t jiving with the alcohol. I mean it didn’t feel good.
Drank some water, then at 11:30 started puking. o_o
At 12:30 I finished puking.
Along the way I kept rinsing my mouth out (to clear the acid from my teeth and soft tissue i.e. throat) and drinking more water (both to replenish what I lost and to help carry away more alcohol). Also it burned my throat thanks to the freaking acid in my stomach.
… well that’s no good. The specifics of being drunk seem to have changed, and I can’t recognize how drunk I am anymore. :/ Now how do I know when to stop?
Yeah that was August. Last time I had a buzz was January. I rarely drink more than a beer in a day anyway.
I still don’t get why people go out every weekend and drink until they puke. Also they make a mess all over the toilet seat and the floor, what the hell? I didn’t miss, you shouldn’t either. I seem to have misplaced something like a quarter bottle of Tullamore Dew though…