Too much!

So I drank a couple beers, and got nothing.

Put in some rum, and God knows how much whiskey…

… an hour later, I’m still mostly fine.

See here’s the thing:  I rely on feeling drunk to know when to stop.  It’s rather unpleasant.  My head starts to throb, gets all fuzzy, I start having flu-like symptoms, teeth hurt, jaw hurts… and that’s usually after like 3 beers in under an hour.  It’s not much.  It’s not really spectacular either; the pressure starts coming on and I stop when I’ve just started to feel it.

Well, THAT never happened.  So I went and showered, shaved (straight razor!  No cuts, nice shave), noted my very poor motor skills.

Decided my body wasn’t jiving with the alcohol.  I mean it didn’t feel good.

Drank some water, then at 11:30 started puking.  o_o

At 12:30 I finished puking.

Along the way I kept rinsing my mouth out (to clear the acid from my teeth and soft tissue i.e. throat) and drinking more water (both to replenish what I lost and to help carry away more alcohol).  Also it burned my throat thanks to the freaking acid in my stomach.

… well that’s no good.  The specifics of being drunk seem to have changed, and I can’t recognize how drunk I am anymore.  :/  Now how do I know when to stop?

Yeah that was August.  Last time I had a buzz was January.  I rarely drink more than a beer in a day anyway.

I still don’t get why people go out every weekend and drink until they puke.  Also they make a mess all over the toilet seat and the floor, what the hell?  I didn’t miss, you shouldn’t either.  I seem to have misplaced something like a quarter bottle of Tullamore Dew though…

Glad I read this right before lunch.  :-X

Yeah, I know that feeling.  I have to just drink in moderation now.  One beer every few hours, or drink where it’s safe (home, hotel, place with ride home).  sigh  Oh, to get a good buzz again!

And remember:  Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.  Beer before liquor, never quicker!  ;o)

I brew beer on the weaker side since I like it that way and so as to not get plowed under after a couple after work. If I want to get across the finish line quickly, I go for a martini or two or three…

I like a good buzz but not smashed. Hate hangovers and the last one was a real doozy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know when I’m drunk when everything starts to make sense.

This is why I never go outside.  You have to be f*@ked up for anything to make any sense.

I hate getting older…recovery time is getting longer and slower. :-[

I like a good buzz too, but it seems though as that target is getting smaller and smaller and my
aim is not improving. So I make it a point not to judge my level of intox by how I feel but rather
how much I have had. I know what my limit is and I try not to exceed it.

Eventually you will come to a point in your life where you fall asleep long before you get drunk. :o

The last time I got that inebriated was July 4, 1985.  Yes, it’s still fresh in my mind. Never, Never again!!! Now all I need is a couple three beers on Friday evening on the front porch to get mellow, NEVER MORE!

I was an actor in a TV commercial once. The scene was a bunch of modern swingers in bowling shirts and women in 1950 style bathing suits.  I played a bartender at this ritzy pool party.

I was pouring this woman a martini to the point of over flowing a lot.

She says “Too Much”

and then I give a cool two handed point, smile and say:

“Isnt it though”

Later they added a glimmer to my teeth as a smiled.

That was fun.

I’m one of those people that can’t touch anything metal with out it rusting. I must have a lot of acid or something. If I don’t wipe a gun down after I handle it in a month it will have my prints rusted on it. I wonder what causes this?

When I hear “too much!” I think, whoah, that’s a full rainbow, all the way, but then, I am a student of the memes of the times, sad to say.

Too (sadly) true!


How about this one?

Did I ever tell you guys that I like turtles?

Yeah, I believe I’ve heard that before!   :wink:

Yeah…turtles and tacos.  What a combo.  :D

Right.I had the dream of opening a turtle park, with a taco stand that sells beer.

…and then you woke up with a terrible hangover.  :smiley:

I woke up with a minor headache… yoga and water fixed it but it didn’t bother me enough to care until like 2pm anyway.  Went to work at 8am.

The stomach ache that alerted me I’d had too much was worse.  I decided to purge it after like 20 minutes?  I don’t rightly remember how long I waited before ridding myself of the excess.

People complain about how horrible their hangovers are and they’ll never drink because they don’t want a hangover… I don’t see it.  Puking myself inside out I get, shit, not doing that again.  The hangover is… quit whining.