Cool thanks. Sorry I don’t know much about this…what would be the big advantage of stainless over chrome? Does the chrome plated brass have the tendency to stick a bit more?
Chrome has a tendancy to flake over time and the brass could show. SS will last forever with the right maintenance. My personal opinion is to buy once and buy forever:D
Yes to stainless but no on the creamers. I have two on my current kegerator and will probably get rid of them soon. I like to use them, but when a friend comes over and tries, they end up not being able to find the sweet spot to close it fully and they dump beer everywhere. I have some of the friends trained after two years, but some others just don’t get it.
I had a Perlick creamer faucet that got enough build up to not be able to shut off after about 6 months. The beer in when it stuck was imperial stout, so it was pretty thick. I believe the o-ring tore a bit when the faucet was opened, and would not seal again. I also could not get the faucet off, so ended up replacing the guts with the innards of a standard Perlick. Now it’s been running fine for quite some time.
Also had the same problem with others not understanding that it does not shut off when you push it all the way in.
tldr: go with the standard style stainless Perlick faucet.
Any perlick retailer should be able to get you a new lever. Im looking at schematics for the Perl series and the only difference is that the lever(the long piece attached to the faucet handle) of the creamer has cuts in it, and the 525 does not. replacing this piece should turn your 575SS into a 525SS I believe.
Please note that if you have the older series of Perlicks(425) that this will NOT work:)
I’ve had the same experience with my creamer faucet as well… Not worth the extra trouble in my opinion. Regular stainless perlicks are the way to go. The only brass plated perlick I like is the flow control one. I like that best for filling growlers etc… But really it’s perfectly easy enough to fill off a regular perlick.
From another faucet I had laying around. I still need to get new parts to put the cannibalized one back together, and it looks like I can get them straight from Perlick for about $6. Thanks Jeff M