Perlick 650 SS with flow control?

Went down to the taproom last night, and four out of my my five taps were stuck as if cemented in place. Tired from a week of work, I didn’t feel like removing them and soaking them, so I forced them open only to be challenged with closing them before a corny keg’s worth of beer ended up on the floor.

Long story short: I decided that my next major capital expenditure (I know I’m a homebrewer when I make capital expenditures for my basement bar) would be some nice, forward sealing Perlick faucets.

So my question is: Has anyone used these faucets? Are they as good as the reviews suggest? Flow control or no flow control? Worth the money?

Morebeer has them for $52.99 and free shipping.

Yes, they are as good as advertised. Completely. I had the same problem with cheap chrome faucets, got fed up and switched to all Perlick. I have the 630SS faucets, without flow control, and wouldn’t trade them for anything. Granted it doesn’t happen often, but I can go a week without pouring a beer and they pour perfectly - zero sticking.

Shop around and you can save a few bucks. AiH and farmhouse often have them on sale. People I know that have flow control love it.

Thanks, Guys. I’ll look around and see if I can find a lower price, but I think that’s a good one, especially with the free shipping.

Yep, good luck.  They have an nice pour and feel, but that first time you go to pour a few days later expecting a sticky faucet and get a smooth silky pour, you’ll get all warm and fuzzy inside.  :wink:

As a short term fix for your problem.  I’ve found a little keg lube around the cylindrical part at the front of the tap valve helps a lot.  It keeps the beer from working into that area and just makes the tap work a little smoother.

I have 5 of the 650SS faucets. I got them from Adventures in Homebrewing, which is the best price online.

I love them. Just get 'em. You’ll love them as well. My only problem with them is that guests will turn the flow control knob while we have a party going. When you set up the controls for each beer and people mess with them, it’s very annoying. I had to put up a sign. “No touchy the shiny knobs!” Seemed to work. :wink:

Yes, I pulled the trigger this morning and ordered them from AiH. After Steve in TX mentioned them, I looked there, and, sure enough, they are the cheapest. I’m hoping they’ll get here by next week. I can’t wait!

Thanks, all.

I can find something I don’t like about most things… my Perlicks run out of beer from time to time.  That’s about it.  Really good faucets.

They arrived last night, and I sanitized and installed them right away. Perfect pour, no drips, look nice, I’m a happy man! :slight_smile:

Awesome. Enjoy.

Sometimes you have to pour two or three pints to be certain!  [emoji6]

And fill a few growlers without adjusting the tank pressure.

Yeah, I find I’m still checking mine periodically. Just to make sure they don’t stick, of course.  :wink:

Yes, I’m putting them through the paces tonight–for testing purposes, of course.  8)

It’s probably the coolest thing about flow controls. Well, that and switch between saisons and ESBs on the same beer line.