Grain to naturally carbonated bottle in 19 days?

Planning to run 34/70 at ale temps (likely low 60s). I realize it’s not the best idea but any chance I could have it reasonably carbonated in bottle in 19 days? The competition is actually 3 days after submission so I could request to have the bottles stored warm which would make it 22 days total.

Just a bad idea? If not, any advice? I have a beer gun but prefer not to use it.

Absolutely possible to have carbed beer in bottle in that many days - even much less.  As for “lagering” time, that’s what you’ll miss out on.

Do it.  Try a bottle on submission day. Decide if it’s a worthy contender or not.

For that time frame, I would force carb and use the beer gun. That way you will know the carbonation level going in. Although, if it’s too much of a pain in the ass go ahead and bottle condition because I’ve had beers that were not dinged very much for low carbonation.

Thanks guys. I may attempt the beer gun again. Something in my process and setup in lacking and has created some pretty foamy fills with badly carbonated beer. I think it’s mostly related to not everything being cold enough.

The beer is slightly misentered anyway because the category was removed so not expecting the best score.

I think I may have found an issue with my beer gun process after re-reading Blichmann’s instructions. I don’t think I have been using the included 10’ long 3/16" liquid tubing which they recommend. I have just been using the liquid tubing from my keg to faucet which is probably about 6’.

I think I will reattempt the beer gun method so that I can stick with my normal fermentation schedule and get some cold conditioning on the beer.

The long tubing gives a pressure drop that lessens the foam. Have everything cold, including the beergun. If the bottles are cold and wet that also helps.