Grainfather - first all grain batch

Hey all, I’m new to the forum and brewing in general. I’ve been reading all the usual books on home brewing while saving up for my big purchase of the grainfather. My question to all you more experienced Brewers, is what else would you recommend I purchase with the grainfather itself? IE which fermenters in particular, accessories etc. Additionally, I’m purchasing an electronic brewing system because I’m in a condominium and am trying to save space.

If you can afford it, the GF conical fermenter is great.  I’m beta testing a glycol chiller unit for it that will be available here in the US shortly.  They’re a great combo, but admittedly pricey.  At the other end, you can use buckets for fermenters, which I use also.  You can use a fridge or freezer with a temp controlled with them, or simply put them in a big bucket of water in a spare closet.  Then you can use an aquarium heater in the water to warm them up or add ice packs to cool them down.  A Brewjacket Immersion Pro is another great option for temp control with buckets.

As you can see, being able to control and adjust fermentation temp is at least as important as the type of fermenter you use.

I think the Brewjacket may be the most space efficient device for fermentation temperature control. I agree fermentation temperature control is critical to success.

I have a GF. I like the small batch pipe works. Efficiency is a bit lower for small batches. But, I love that GF can easily do full and half batches.

I have but never use the hop spider. I don’t recommend that.

I have the GF graincoat insulation jacket. I have never gone without it. So, I can only assume it’s helpful. I have evidence.

I also have a Hot Rod from It helps speed temperature rise from mash to boil.

David Heath does lots of videos about GF. In the video at the link  he discusses using a Robobrew false bottom to minimize pump blockage. My pump
Is a bit slow when filling the fermenter. I may try this eventually. But, so far, I am satisfied waiting a few extra minutes during transfer.

i would highly recommend a heat stick for the grainfather if you have the 120v version if its 240 no need and a brew jacket like already mentioned