So tomorrow will be two weeks in the primary for my first all grain brew. Usually I am not one to set a calendar for the beer but all my brews have been at the final gravity after two weeks and ready for bottling. But, I’ve noticed with this beer that after the fermentation has slowed down and the foam fell back into the beer some green stuff is still floating and doesn’t look like it wants to fall back into the beer. My guess is its just hops that snuck by screen, was a very hoppy batch (No dry hopping either). My question is if, I haven’t checked the gravity yet, the beer is at its final gravity can I just rack the beer from under the green stuff and bottle tomorrow? I don’t mind waiting I just don’t want to unless I have too, I’m a bit excited to taste my first AG brew.
If you’re bottling, I would take gravity readings over a few days to be sure it is stable, your FG might not match any predicted FG, especially with all grain beers. Once you have your system dialed in and know what to expect then that’s different, but for now I think you should play it safe.
The green stuff might be hops or other remnants of the fermentation process. When transferring just place a fine mesh bag- such as sanitized nylon knee-highs (l’eggs brand) over the tube outlet to catch any junk.
Checked the gravity today. Beer looked pretty clear in the test tube and the gravity read 1.018. Still got a few more points to go so I gave the fermenter a swirl or two for some yeast encouragement and made sure not to splash at all. Some of the green stuff fell to the bottle and some of it has remained in suspension in the top 1 inch of the beer while some just stayed on the top. The test sample tasted quiet good still so I’m not really worried.