Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone.

Since it’s New Year’s Eve and I’m sitting here perusing the beer forum, maybe I’ll resolve to be a bit less boring next year.  Either way, here’s wishing you all the best and I hope 2013 brings you your best beers ever.


Happy New Year!

I’m going to be as boring as I usually am these days.  I’ll probably pop open a bottle of champagne after the kids are in bed.  I’d wait until midnight but my wife will have already been asleep for a few hours by then.

Guten Rutsch!

My goal this year is to work my way through my insane inventory of brewing supplies. I’ve come up with about 13 recipes today of things to brew, with stuff I have on hand. At the rate I brew, that should keep me busy through next year.

Happy Brew Year!

My resolutions are:

Use up a bunch of my hops hoard. No point in stockpiling if it’s going to go to waste. This includes doing another round of single-hopped brews for the new hops I have.

Brew with Brett. After listening to the Crooked Stave episode on the Sunday Session, I’m really interested in doing some all-Brett brews. I was already planning a Brett IPA, but now I’m seriously thinking of using that beer to grow up a pitch for a baltic porter as well. I’m also thinking that the sour-wort Berliner Weisse I’ve been wanting to do would be a good fit for a 100% Brett fermentation.

Take one Belgian strain and brew every Belgian style with it to learn that yeast inside-out. Leaning towards T-58 since I can literally walk across the street and pick some up at the local hardware store.

Happy New Year all!

gonna use up those hops in the freezer.

Happy new year!

I opened a barley wine I made back in 2007 last night, last 22 oz bottle I had on hand. I was very happy with how well it aged. I have 2  twelve oz bottles left and tempted to open another one this morning. :slight_smile:

Makes me want to break open the home brewing gear and fire up a batch to age!

I was disappointed by how thin and one-dimensional the Crooked Stave beer I tried was. I’ve made a couple this year with a mix of Brett and wine yeasts noted for increasing mouthfeel. One was a pale sour, about 4% abv, but it still had a good mouthfeel with this technique. IMO you need a yeast that can generate plenty of glycerol to compensate for the lack of dextrins due to the Brett.

My next brew is going to be a strong golden ale split with half fermented with 100% Brett. I’m going to add maltodextrin powder to add some longer chain  dextrins that I’m hoping will leave some body in the finished beer.

I stayed at the house and drank some Tank #7 along with some other beer and made 5 dozen delicious pork tamales. Outside near midnight listening to the kids happily shrieking the countdown by the minute and the adults letting off fireworks. Memories…

Best thing to do on amateur-night is to stay at home and out of trouble.

Happy New Year!!!

My resolution is to take my work more seriuosly and not spend a lot of time on the brewing forums during working hours…

DAMN!!  Oh well, maybe next year!  8)