One of my favourite breweries is selling, for a limited time, a kellerbiere and I’m thinking of trying to harvest yeast. Supposedly, the beer is unpasteurized and unfiltered so there should be some yeast in it right? I will say, I haven’t noticed much in the way of yeast sediment in the cans although there could be a little bit. It could be dry beer too though.
I’m making a few assumptions here such as, the yeast is the same yeast they’d use in the primary. It’s the same yeast they use for their regular lager that I love and want to duplicate.
Any thoughts? I was thinking of flaming the tops and just pouring off a couple beer that I’ve let sit for a few days in the fridge into glasses (and drinking the beer…). Then, cutting the cans in half, swirling a bit of boiled and chilled water in the cans and pitching that into a small jar of wort and seeing what happens. But, I am sure that there is a better way. Please bear in mind I have absolutely no special equipment. This will be mason jars with tin foil on them, not Erlenmeyer flasks and stir plates.