Has anyone used a pressure adapter for a Speidel fermentor?

Hey Gang,  Has anyone used a pressure adapter for a Speidel yet? Looking at using for fermentation and cold side reduction. What say ye? Tks.
" … Stainless steel Ball Lock “Gas In” adapter provides Ball Lock Gas In connection for all sizes and models of Speidel plastic fermenters and storage tanks …"

Is this adapter specifically made for the Speidels and, if so, where do you find it?

I had one that I used with a spunding valve to the post connection with QDC.  I think I got it from Nor-Cal back in the day (at least 6-7 years ago) when I was using the 15 gallon Speidels for primary fermentation.

I replaced (two) OEM spigot’s with the SS one, works great, it’s the only item I upgraded.