Have y'all ever seen anything like this?

Looks like a malting facility is opening near me specializing in floor malted California grown barley. For some kind of fundraiser, if you pay 500 dollars you get a 50 pound sack of grain every month for a year once they open.

looks kind of interesting, has anyone ever heard of something like this?

No. Does anyone know the people behind it?

I’ve heard of small maltsters selling CSA type shares with base and specialty grains.

I get csa type shares from my local malster, Valley Malt. For $200 I pick up twice a year and get, each time, a 50# sack of base malt (my choice of pale or pilsner) 2 or 3  five pounders of Munich/Vienna/wheat/rye and several specialty malts that are usually something out of the ordinary. It’s great fun, I love coming up with recipes and the malt is really great.

no idea. seeing if anyone here has heard of Admiral malting or using indiegogo for this kind of stuff.

The whole idea of this kind of funding is that they need strangers to take a chance. If they had a track record or their own financing they wouldn’t be doing this. If you care about having a local malster and can swing the money by all means support them. If not wait and see.
Look into indigogo. I’m only familiar with Kickstarter, where they only get money if the goal is met.

Dont get me wrong. I’d love a malting company in SoCal. I’m just looking for a little more confidence in buying 50#'s of grain for $50 from a malting co when my HBM sells it to me for the same price.

If the product quality is good I’d say $50/50lb sack is a pretty good price for floor malted, organic malt as a homebrewer. (Recognizing pro brewers can buy at lower prices.) I’d have to imagine when they open they will sell those same sacks at retail for more.

No idea on the quality. There are other small, local maltsters around the country that get positive reviews but I seem to think a few had less than stellar reviews of early maltings. Maybe one of the two breweries who share ownership with the malting company have beers on tap with the malt?

Quality is the key.  I pay more than $50 per sack for Weyermann floor malted and it is worth the price.  It is a flyer here and they may not get off the ground.  It’s just a matter of risk tolerance for you.  With 10 guys in a club buy, it would spread the risk greatly…but my club already does occasional bulk purchases, so it would only make sense if shipping is nearly free. YMMV, of course.

good points. I also don’t understand their choice of location-The Bay Area. This place is totally unaffordable and everything is being eaten up by tech, why not base yourselves a couple hours east and cut costs?

Maybe that’s why they went this route over traditional funding.  I’m sure a big part of it is they see a gap in the market. Ultra local products are a big deal in the Bay Area.

for sure, as a resident, I’d love it, its just the insane overhead here that makes me scared to gamble 500 bucks on them.

Agreed. I started buying from my maltster after they got stellar reviews. $500 is a lot for an unknown product and if they go under there is probably no recourse. That level of commitment would be for someone with lots of $ and an interest in wanting to support them just to support the local aspect of it.