Haven't Rcvd a Zymurgy Mag yet

I’ve been a member for I think at least three or four months and I have yet to rcv the mag in my mailbox. JUst wondering what’s happening. I know it comes out every other month. If anyone an help, I’d appreciate it.



Just got mine on Friday.  I bet yours will be there in a couple days.

Hi Bob -

Send me an email; I’ll look in to it for you.


Matt Bolling
Events & Membership Coordinator
American Homebrewers Association

PM Sent.

Any luck Matt?


Still nothing Matt and no emails about it being looked into…what’s up? I should have gotten at least one or two issues by now…just sayin…  :frowning:

are you sure you didn’t sign up for the electronic only option?

I do not remember signing up for the electronic edition.

Just tried to sign in to the e-mag for Zymurgy and it said username & pwd wrong so, I did not opt for th electronic version…any assistance would be much appreciated.

You should have access to the e-version regardless.

I haven’t checked it out in awhile, but I do recall having some issues logging in.  I think you need to establish a user ID on the AHA main page, and not just on the forum.

The login for the forum and the main aha site are different.

I know they used to be different but I thought they unified them late last year.

I logged in using my forum ID/password just now as a test and it worked.

If you haven’t already, send wmbolling an email directly to see what he found.


Thanks for the info but, I prefer the paper mag myself. The firewall at work won’t let me access anything involved with alcohol so, I’d rather just have the real deal…Matt did you ever find out what was going on with my account/subscription?

Thanks Matt…it looks like you cleared the administrative snafu…just got 4 issues in the mail today…Thanx for all of your help! Cheers 2 U!
