May/June Issue, already?!

Did this issue catch anyone else off guard?  I could have sworn I had another month to go before it showed up.

Yes. I was a little surprised to see this issue in the mail yesterday but it was a pleasant surprise.  :slight_smile:

Zymurgy typically mails around the 17th of the month prior to the date on the magazine cover, so the July/August issue will mail around June 17th.

Sweet. I’ve been checking the mail almost every day waiting for this one. ::slight_smile:

Has not arrived in my mailbox yet.

Got mine yesterday. Time to finish the last issue I guess. I blame Gordon’s book on my reading backlog.  :wink:

Who’s the lucky one that has to stay behind for NHC and get Zymurgy mail out?  >:(

I joined the AHA in February, and haven’t received ANY issues of Zymurgy…

Nice tie Denny!  :wink:

I just joined in March and haven’t received this issue yet.  I keep checking everyday hoping it will be there.  Maybe in the next week hopefully.


Mine always comes pretty late in the cycle and I’ve yet to see the new issue also.  I know it’s hard, but just be patient.

Mine came late last week.
Nice article on yeast pitching rates by a10t2.
I really liked the Last Drop this issue, about no ingredients in beer.

I didn’t know I had it yet, so I told SWMBO that I must have been taken off the “special” list and she proceeds to say, "no it’s over there on my desk, it came in last week. I was reading the spent grain article so I can make dog biscuits out of it for Stella(grand daughters dog in Vegas)  :-\

Well, figuring tha I live 75 miles from AHA headquarters, I thought I might’ve gotten mine aleady.

No TAP, there’s an unseen edict in one of the AHA’s directives that makes sure the first issue that is sent out goes to me.  ;D


Haven’t seen mine yet, but that’s nothing new.

@theantipunk, I don’t really know but I doubt the printer is in Boulder.  Maybe it’s listed in the masthead?  I don’t have an issue handy.

just got mine yesterday. Really liked the article on using spent grains. My wife is gonna try the sweetroles

Actually, our printer is located in Michigan, so that’s where the issue mails from. It mailed from there on Saturday April 23 (a few days late due to a mechanical problem), so those of you who don’t have it yet should be getting it very soon!