
MVP should have been Atlanta D for choking so hard in the end. :wink:

I really need to find a new and less stressful sport to partake in  - like catching knives.

my heart rate spiked to 150 bpm during the 4th and OT.

Epic collapse and kudos for the Patriots for taking advantage. The ultimate example of a team getting a big lead and taking their foot off the gas, ie., playing not to lose instead of playing to win. The Colts used to get big first half leads under Dungy and then play conservative in the second half. Drove me nuts.

My heart rate yesterday.  Watching was almost like exercising!

Haha the last time I watched a football game was when Northwestern went to the Rose Bowl.

I had to ask who played this year’s Super Bowl. Needless to say, my heart rate stayed the same.

Hell of a game, that’s for sure!
Whole lot of Maalox moments!

What a meltdown!

I keep hearing what a great game it was. It was a great meltdown and comeback. With very little competitive moments other than the defensive beginning of the game. Atlanta dominated in the first half and NE dominated in the second half.

I haven’t seen an insurmountable lead get blown that badly since November 9th, 2016.

I won $100 (split a $200 pot). I was happy. Hopefully the last time I have to pull for Pats though. Was one hell of a game.

I missed most of the game taking my daughter back to college.  I saw the 2 drives down field for TD+2 and decided I was tired and went to bed.  Football isn’t really my thing most days.

I thought it stunk that Brady’s jersey got stolen though.  Some people feel entitled to stuff that doesn’t belong to them, I guess.

Glad to hear it was a good game this year.  The Super Bowl is usually the worst game of the year to actually watch, which is why I don’t normally watch it.

And for the record, I’m not grumpy, just wasn’t very interested.


Can’t wait to see the haters’ heads explode over this one:

You’re celebrating that? Expect a torn rotator cuff in the third week.

Ha…NO FEAR! Tom Brady Mocks Madden Curse, Breaks Mirror, Walks Under Ladder

Beat me to it. Fear the curse! Or not.

Exactly. Guess Brady is done! :wink:

I’m sure they will just add a new “can’t hit No. 12 rule.” They already baby him as is.

Tom looks like he just spotted someone in the stands eating an avocado ice cream cone.

That vid is hilarious, will be even funnier/sad if something happens to him either soon or mid season

New rule?