Packers v Seahawks

Anybody else enjoying the Seahawks downward slide?

Yep. I root for the Pack, except for when they play the Colts. Be nice to have that problem. We’ll see.

That’s what I am hoping for as well.

I have huge respect for Luck. He’s a good kid and a great quarterback. I wish he’d ditch that stupid throat beard.

Russell Wilson too. He’s dealt with a lot of bs (Golden Tate and lost receivers), been handed a huge amount of cash, stays humble and pays it forward every chance he can. It’s not his fault that Pete Carroll is a complete tool and cheater.

Yeah, I like both QBs too. It’s gonna be tough for Indy to win this one - the O line and running game have been suspect all year. But not impossible either. They’ve been peaking at the right time. Yeah, never been a big Carroll fan.

Brady is a hometown (Bay Area) boy, so I can’t hate him as much as others. That said, i sure don’t mind watching him cry after a loss.

Hadn’t seen that one.    :smiley:

Gonna be a really boring Super Bowl. I haven’t even bothered to watch championship games. Blah.

Nah. I don’t have a horse in the race, but these are some pretty good matchups.

My son told me 5 minutes ago that the Packs had one. This thread made me turn the game on. Can’t believe it is going into OT. Hawks win the toss.

I don’t know, it’s in OT now. I’d written Wilson off.

Hawks win the TOSS. And I speeled ONE wrong! ;D

FTR not that I care.

So are you a Steel Curtain fan then ?  From Pa, right?

Holy crap.  Never seen a QB throw 4 picks and go to the Super Bowl.

Crazy. And apparently the Pack just mailed it in.

Eagles fan from way back. Grew up closer to east coast. Embarrassed to say a Titan’s fan overall.

What a game!

There is no crying on football. Man. No matter how blessed you are, Man. No doubt. Man,

The Seahawks were just sandbagging till the end.

Field goals don’t win playoff games. Seattle hung in and deserved that win.

Yeah, settling for 3 after trying to punch it in several times at the one is a killer.