Hello ...new to this forum .....

I justed wanted to say hello and say that I am new to the forum and have been brewing for @ 1 year and 6 mos. now. Started with Mr. Beer and have moved into extract and partial mash , no all grain yet and have three 5 gallon fermentors and secondaries. I have six , five gallon batches under my belt with the majority of last year using the Mr.B kits.

Anyway hope to use this as a resource to improve and grow my brewing skills.

Hi bosox!  Welcome to the forum.


BoSoxBrews…I like him already.


Welcome here! Don’t take any advice from me. (except for that. that is actually very sound advice.)

Welcome to the forum!  You’ll like it here.

Hey bosoxsbrews…my father’s side of the family is from Reading.

Pennsylvania Rocks!

Welcome to the Forum.  :slight_smile:

Welcome! I’ve gotten a TON of good advice, ideas, and info on this forum. Lots of quality people here.

That’s what we’re here for.


Welcome bosoxsbrews,

I’m Tubercle, the forum whipping post.

Ask any question you have that you think will improve your brewing skills and I will try to answer it.

Shortly someone (or several) will come along and and contradict me because really, I don’t have a clue after 20 years of trying.

But, first and foremost, what ever you worry about the most when it comes to brewing, just let it go and enjoy instead.

Welcome to the forum.  How were your Mr Beer experiences?  Did they come out pretty decent?

Welcome! Extract makes great beer. Keep it up!

+1, nothing wrong with extract. I’ve been doing all-grain pretty well for two years now but am making an extract recipe next week.


Thank you to all for a nice welcome  … I have 3 more batches to brew before I take the summer off ( hard to keep temp even in the basement ) plus its a nice break and the pipeline is still pretty full.

I will be brewing a Peanut Ale ( a kit from my LHBS ) , a Sam Smith Taddy Porter clone and a Moose Drool clone.

BTW … Go Sox … 1 down 2 to go .

Overall it was a good expierence. Everything came out pretty good and some of it very good . I have zero complaints on the Mr Beer expierence. It is a great way to see if you are really into the hobbie and it served as a great springboard into the 5 gal realm and beyond.

Good ol’ Mister Beer.  Started with that myself.  It is a good way to get into the hobby for cheap.

Plenty of great brewers on this site with tons of knowledge.

My father’s brother lived in Reading.  Used to go up there all the time and visit him on the farm when I was younger.

I never thought anyone would be familiar with Reading … most people outside of SE PA don’t even pronounce it right…

Prosit !

come on - everyone has played Monopoly.  And if you own all 4, well, look out!!


What’s a peanut ale?
Sounds like anti-foam beer.

Welcome to the board.