Drew and I are hard at work on a new book called “Homebrew All Stars” and we’d like to ask for your help. We need to develop baseline demographics about how you brew. To do that, we’ve created a survey at http://www.experimentalbrew.com/content/homebrew-all-stars-our-next-book-help-us-out . If you have a few minutes, please take the survey and help us out! Thanks for your time!
Some of the questions/labels did not appear unless highlighted. Confirmed in both Chrome and Firefox
may be the browser version. it works in safari and my version firefox 34.0.5
EDIT- nope , there’s problems as they said…spoke to early
Sorry about that - the embedded survey apparently overrides some of the css styles and I couldn’t change the bit for those labels. Try again!
Done and Done
I put Denny as my all star, hope he has his own email addy
If that link doesn’t work for you, try Homebrew All-Stars
Are we going to be treated to another episode of the Drew and Denny Road Show at NHC 2015?
I dood it, where’s my prize?
Absolutely! We’re on the schedule. In addition, our publisher will have a booth there, so wackiness will ensue!
I though an advance copy of the book was our prize.
Denny, I hope you will find my answers to your open-ended questions as informative as they are entertaining. Cheers to you, sir.
You’re right, long, but filled it out and glad to do it:)
just a bit advanced for a newer brewer, but I used my creativity to overcome those big words
Same here goobersan, this noob answered as best as possible. Hope it helps
Made it to question 29 and it wont let me go to 30. Saved and exited. Went back. Still won’t let me proceed
I tried to answer the “How much have you spent on equipment” question with “more than the GNP of a third world country”, but the survey insisted on a number. I really don’t know the answer to this - and really don’t want to know, so this data point may be skewed.
I tried to answer the “How much have you spent on equipment” question with “more than the GNP of a third world country”, but the survey insisted on a number. I really don’t know the answer to this - and really don’t want to know, so this data point may be skewed.
I said <$200 but had to take the < out. I’m as ghetto as they get.