help me classify this - baltic porter?

From memory:
68% Pilsner
22% Munich II (9L)
4% Caramunich III
3% Amber Malt
3% Carafa Special III

~37 IBUs Magnum FWH

OG 1.078
FG 1.010
ABV 8.9%
IBU ~37
SRM 27

I know that the inquiry will be ‘what does it taste like?’. I don’t think I have ever had a baltic porter before so I am not sure if it is similar or not. From what I understand baltic porters can have a smoother less roasted quality which this definitely does. There is some alcohol bite but I would think it would be an acceptable amount. Definitely has some notes of chocolate and black licorice with very subdued roast. Hop bitterness is balancing but otherwise not apparent. I went with a higher mash pH (5.57) which really helped and am very please with how smooth this beer is.

I suppose it could just be a high gravity brown ale? Any thoughts?

What yeast and fermentation profile?

US05 @ 63F until activity slowed then let free rise to 70. Still carbing in bottles and needs some additional conditioning time.

Okay just glanced at the guidelines again and this seems to nail it. It is basically an imperialized version of my schwarzbier. I realize that lager yeast is more traditional but says that ale yeast can work too. Sorry, I didn’t realize it would be so cut and clear…

Overall Impression:
A Baltic Porter often has the malt flavors reminiscent of an English porter and the restrained
roast of a schwarzbier, but with a higher OG and alcohol content than either. Very complex, with multi-layered malt and dark fruit flavors.

Rich malty sweetness often containing caramel, toffee, nutty to deep toast, and/or licorice notes. Complex
alcohol and ester profile of moderate strength, and reminiscent of plums, prunes, raisins, cherries or currants, occasionally with a vinous Port-like quality. Some darker malt character that is deep chocolate, coffee or molasses but never burnt. No hops. No sourness. Very smooth.

Sounds like a good beer regardless !

I am very pleased with it up to this point. I was worried it would be too dry considering how low it finished but I like it. I just hope I can recreate it with a scaled up batch size…

Could be a Baltic porter, although most Baltics I have tasted have had lower attenuation and a good load of sweetness.  This doesn’t appear to taste that way.  It might be better to refer to this as a specialty Imperial Schwarzbier!?

Yeah I was very suprised by the attenuation. That reminds me, I did add some light brown sugar (~3%) to make up for my low efficiency. That would obviously help with attenuation but I will still surprised with the 86% or whatever it was.

I had planned to adjust mash temps and remove sugar accordingly for next batch but the way that it tastes I may not change a thing. It tastes sweeter than I would expect for 1.010 but yes probably not as sweet as a baltic porter should be.

True.  Baltic Porter would normally be several points higher on FG.  Imperial Schwarzbier, I like it !

EDIT -  Still sounds tasty.

That works! Yes it looks like I am 6 points below the low end of the style guidelines.

Anyone got any recommendations for widely available commercial examples of Baltic Porters? I think I have maybe seen Zywiec and maybe Baltika #6 around…

I love Okocim porter. Haven’t had it in a couple years but it’s very nice, aside from the ones you mentioned.

EDIT -  Makes me want to find some Okocim soon. It’s a great beer.

Baltika #6 is in my all-time favorite Top 10 beers that I have ever tasted.  It is really THAT good.  Get it.

You might be able to find Sinebrychoff at a good bottle shop. And it is well worth the search, I might add.