Help...Moroccan spiced beer

I had a Moroccan  spiced beer at the GABF a couple of years ago. It was a pro-am beer that had the kind spices that you would find in Moroccan food, I’m thinking cumin, rosemary, turmeric… As strange as it sounds it was one of the best “novelty” beers I tried that year. Does this ring a bell to anyone? Anyone heard of putting these things in beer? recipes?

Cardamom is a must. Cumin and cinnamon should also be in there somewhere.

Sumac would probably be real nice in a Saison.

Take it easy on the cardamom, it can be overpowering.  I speak from experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

Try chai or garam masala, those blends will give you a middle-eastern flavor.  Maybe some orange peel too, I think Morocco is known for its oranges?

Thanks for the input. I think I’m going with cumin, nutmeg and orange in an american stout base. Cardamon is good in a wit. I think I’m going to keep it simple to start.

I made a 5 gallon coffee malt stout in the past with 4 cardamom pods freshly ground and coffee added to secondary.  it was very good.