Im a newcommer in homebrew world, and I have an issue about my five litres batch:
Well, on the 3rd week SG stops in 1.056 (dont take OG, but i would rule out something like 1.085). 4th week hydrometer measurements (day 2, 4, and 7) showed no yeast activity .
Yes, my 4 weeks must was stuck.
So, i had created a starter with the badass L1118 yeast with some goferm (surely not more than 1g).
Im currently in the 3rd day after, and yes! Bubbles has returned (SG drops out to 1.050)!
But, at this point, what I have to do? I mean, the old stuff…degassing, addin nutrients, etc?
dont add any other than goferm. Well, I usually make a 1 kg (or a bit less) wildflower honey per 4 liters of spring water to get something like 1.085 OG, and staggered (around 1g of goferm in batchin, then after 48hrs and 96hrs, and at 30% sugar breakin).
I did use an ale yeast (SafeAle 33 S): medium sedimentation (yes, I like dry, cloudy mead).
I do staggered nutrient additions but I wouldn’t recommend it for you at this point. But if you have K2CO3 or KHCO3, I would add it so you add 300 mg/l of K+ to avoid getting stuck again.
I agree with kramerog. Being that the mead is multiple weeks in, I wouldn’t recommend degassing or a nutrient addition. These steps should be done in the first week. If you’re intending for the mead to be still, you can degas before bottling.
I use a staggered nutrient addition too. But I also usually do 1/2 barrel batches with an OG in the 1.120 - 1.130 range. So I like the staggered addition. I add nutrient on the first day when the batch is made, then on day 3, day 5, and day 7 (usually). But with a smaller batch and an OG around 1.085, I agree with what Dave said, that a single nutrient addition at the beginning should work fine for you.
I would also recommend not relying on Go-Ferm as a nutrient. If anyone else has other information I’d like to hear it too, but Go-Ferm is intended as a nutrient when re-hydrating the yeast. Not so much when you want them to begin reproduction and fermentation. If you can get it, some commonly used nutrients for wine/mead are DAP and Fermaid K. Another one that I use is Fermaid O which is an organic version of Fermaid K. I definitely recommend using a nutrient because the honey itself doesn’t have much to keep the yeast healthy and doing what you want them to.