Help with water profile for a Munich Helles and adding to RO water.

This will be my second attempt at a Munich Helles and will be a blind experiment. Blind is referring to having no clue what my RO water profile is. After researching HBT RO water could have mineral content at a very small amount.

So thinking ahead for this winter where I should have a water report I want to do blind experiment with my Helles.

Two question I have that I cant understand is what mineral/additive to use to to make the malts stand out.

I also have some PH stabilizer and curious if I use a mineral adjustment can I use the PH stabilizer as well?

Anything helps

RO water does indeed have very little mineral content, which makes it a great base to build upon. IMO pH stabilizer is a crap item sold at your LHBS and I never use it - it doesn’t work and could do more harm than good. I recommend downloading some brewing water software such as Bru’nWater - I use it and it works consistently well. In it you can declare that you’re using 100% RO water and it will give you a list of water profiles to choose from for different styles and brewing cities, and the additions to make to your water to get there. Good luck !

EDIT - Calcium Chloride is what will help the maltiness stand out, but Bru’nWater has an excellent ‘Info’ page that will help you understand the big picture.

Thanks for the reply Ive looked at that software I suppose I will look at it again!  Thanks again!

I don’t think they use 5.2 in Munich.

Martin Brungard had a very good article on the profile you should target in a recent Zymurgy.

Martin recently wrote in a post on Facebook that people mistakenly think of sulfate as increasing bitterness and chloride as increasing maltiness.  He said that we should think more of sulfate as dryness and chloride as fullness.  Makes sense to me.

Agreed.  I definitely feel that way about sulfate and dryness especially.

This may help a bit.
I use 100% RO with very little minerals in it what so ever say at or under 20ppm per martin brungards recommendation. I do use Chloride instead of Sulfate because this is a malt focused beer. Let the malt do the work dont worry to much on the minerals.  I thinks its in the subtle details that are important like 100% continental malt like Bestmalz and Tetnager or halertauer hops,German of course. Along with well controlled fermentation and good yeast i have done many with saflager 34/70 excellent yeast and no starter needed it likes 52 to 53 degrees dont go over 55.  If you have a way to step mash that is great i like to decoct also i feel it makes a difference in mouthfeel and possibly adds some maillard products. Gorden strong said it well when he stated there is more to matching the style than cloning the flavor profile.

Probably said more than i should have just had a root canal and waiting in the recovery room with 02 on :slight_smile:

Ouch - been there, done that. Feel better.

Ouch root canal!!!  :-X  thanks for all the info I think I’ll add some cacl to but now I need to figure out how much to add. I’m using best as my malts and of course hally using wyeast 2124 and doing a single decoction. So looks like I’ll have a fun day tomorrow. Again thanks guys love these forums.