Hi, My name is Bryan and I have a smoking(and brewing) problem!

Hey, I just saw this sub forum, and saw a lot of you folks like to smoke food as well!

Well I have a addiction to smoking as well as brewing!

Here are a few of my rigs:

::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:
Guess I have some issues, don’t even get me started on my grills and pizza ovens!

Wow!  :o

That’s some serious equipment…can’t wait to see some of your smoked goodies.

That’s just crazy . . . how many of them have you had going at once?

Aloha Bryan!  My name is Carl and I am a water treatment systems designer/builder/operator (and a homebrewer).  Your cookers are great.  I followed the link in your signature.  Your brew system is awesome!  I am impressed and inspired.

Please forgive me if I am being too nosey, but what is your day job?

Ah yeah, I saw your vids a while back. Impressive touch screen/media player action!

I don’t think I have ever had more than 2.

Well, what I have been schooled for and what I do are a little different  8)… I am a municipal worker by definition.

Sure here are some:


uh oh! competition Q’er alert! So when do the invites go out for dinner?!

Lookin good! Mighty fine que pron.

Now I feel like a wimp with just a Weber and a BGE.

Why like a wimp… good food is good food!

Haha j/k the weber and egg are really all I need. Maybe a hibachi for specialty stuff… Another thing to research and buy…

Dang obsession.

Looks awsome…nice kit!!
Was that a NJ license plate I saw on the car in one of those photos?
I’m coming to YOUR house…

Awesome looking BBQ!  8)

Sweet set ups and very nice Q’s, but where did you get the cooking sheet and rack? Full sheet or half sheet?

Punatic, you described me when you described yourself "… and I am a water treatment systems designer/builder/operator (and a homebrewer). "  LOL!

No stone under your eggs does show you have stones!

Both your smoking and brewing systems are redonkulous! Nice.

Full sheet, I belong to a restaurant supply house.

that simply rocks - did you build the stand for the BGEs?


Can you point out the problems to me?  :wink:

Not enough hours in the day, perhaps?