High Gravity 1.095 situation

I need some advise for attenuating a high gravity ale. Brewed a Maharaja clone. OG was 1.095. There was quite a lot of blow off so I probably lost some yeast. I definitely pitched enough yeast by making a huge starter. One week out I took a sample and I am only down to about 1.035-1.040. I need to shave off at least 10-15 points. I have read that adding more fresh yeast can get the fermentation going again. There is still some co2 expelling, but i doesn’t seem vigorous enough to get the FG down to where I need to be. Would appreciate suggestions from brewers who have faced this issue before. Thanks!

What yeast?
What temp?
Recipe/grain bill?
Mash temp?

At one week it is probably still slowly working, answers to the above would help with a course of action

32lbs of maris otter, 1lb of crystal 120, 1lb of victory
mash temp 149
Cal ale 001 3 vials in 2400 ml of starter wort
fermenting at 67

All of the above plus RDWHAHB.

I find that with high gravity brews, it can take some time to finish off, depending on the yeast type and size of pitch.  As long as your gravity continues to fall, the yeast are still working. 2 weeks for a 1.095 imho isn’t a big deal. Don’t worry yet.

Also, you can add a small amount of yeast energizer, like 1/4 tsp, to help out a slow fermentation.

Denny I am not sure what  RDWHAHB is?

If I may:  It is the mantra quoted from the great Charlie Papazian, it means Relax, don’t worry, have a homebrew

LOL…oh that.

+1 to the yeast energizer and gently agitate the vessel to rouse the yeast, give it another week as its probably still working for you and yes, RDWHAHB!

I agree on rousing the yeast.  Gently.

Have patience.  And a homebrew.

I give mine a good stir. Just sanitize a long spoon and RDWHAHB! :wink:

And warm it up a little too.

i usually shake the hell out of it in this situation.

All of the above, plus one more RDWHAHB and try to get the temp up to 69-70F.
