Anyone have experience with White Labs wlp028 Edinburgh Ale yeast? I made a Wee Heavy And mashed 20# of grain at 154 degrees and had full conversion in forty five minutes (15# Marris Otter 3# dark Munich and 2# a mix of specialty grains.) I had an O.G. of 1.088 and pitched a three quart actively fermenting starter. Oxygenated three times longer than normal and fermented at 66 deg. Three hours I had signs of activity in the carboy and later that night a vigorous fermentation the wort temp rose to 70 deg after three days it slowed down and the final gravity was 1.032. I tried rousing the yeast but it has remained at 1.032 for a week. It seems a bit under attenuated. Was the mash temp too high and the high gravity to be expected? I have since moved it to a fifty five degree basement to clear. Should I try to pitch a lager yeast to dry it out a bit or just keg it and enjoy it/
I don’t have much experience with that yeast, but based on your mash temp and short mash time, you might be done.
How does it taste?
What was your recipe? I like my Wee Heavies big and chewy.
+1 to Tom’s comment.
I’ve used that yeast. I don’t recall it quitting early. I think you got what you’re going to get. I would have thought you would have finished lower (low 20s maybe), but maybe your temps were off or maybe it wasn’t as converted as you thought. There was a whole different thread about how shorter mash times can limit fermentability.
Pull some off, put it on a stir plate, pitch some fresh yeast, keep it warm, and see if the gravity changes. Basically a fast ferment test.
If the beer is still fermentable, maybe a fresh pitch or a different strain will help it finish. If it isn’t, you’re done. Age it, and see if the sweet edge settles down.
Chewy is good, as long as there are enough hops there to keep it from being cloying.
I like my Wee Heavy chewey too but I was hoping to get into the mid to high twentys
The Recipe for Slappin Willies Wee Heavy
15# Marris Otter
3# Munich Dark
1# Melanoiden
1/2# Caraaroma
1/4# Roasted Barley
Mash Grains @ 154 Deg Boil until Hot break
Add 1oz Magnum Hop 12% Alpha 60min
1oz Dried Heather 30 min
1/2 oz Dried Heather 1 gram Sweet Gale 10 min
1/2 oz Heather 5 min
1oz Heather 1 gram Sweet Gale Steep 10 min
I plan on making a heather tea with 1oz heather and adding at kegging
As for taste it’s good and I like it. I plan on aging it in the cool cellar for a couple of weeks before kegging
sounds yummy. I like heather beers.
That is a lot of specialty malts, I doubt you’re going to get much more attenuation.