There are several good clubs in the Bay Area, but in San Francisco proper, the only homebrew club several of us have been able to find, San Andreas Malts, appears to have stopped meeting (at least publicly-announced meetings) and has not responded to email inquiries. (There is one recent post on the club’s website about a proposed “toast” to a deceased member, but it doesn’t have info directed at people unfamiliar with existing members.) Does anyone have different information?
There’s several other Bay Area folk on board, but your experience with the Malts seems to reflect what’s been going on for the past few years. The club’s just going more and more dormant which is unfortunate since they’ve been around for a damn long time.
I’ve been mulling over your response. SF definitely needs an active homebrewing club, which is one issue. But as a separate issue, it would also be good to capture the thoughts and memories of people who were active in an earlier era. If anyone has good, current contact information for this group, please do share it.