It’s been 25 years since I last brewed. I just retired and want to brew again. I was looking for guidance on purchasing a new system. Hoping for a 3 tiered type system.
A lot of new brewers these days opt for the all in one systems.
I have a three vessel HERMS I built myself over time. I believe the major manufacturers and online brew stores have turnkey systems available.
Truthfully, those systems are thing of the past. The good news is that means you can pick one up for next to nothing. I know people around here who can’t even give them away. I stopped using one and went to an all in one system. It’s so superior to a 3V that it’s hard to express.
Thanks for the advice. Helps a lot.
How many gallons/batch do you want to brew? Are you looking for an electric system or gas? Indoor or outdoor brewing? Basement or garage? New or used system? I mean there are questions you need to answer that are going to meet your wants/needs or limitations. I could tell you that you need a 3 vessel electric because that’s what I have but I can’t. What I can say is that I don’t regret purchasing my system because its what I wanted after doing my due diligence.
I have a 3 vessel electric HERMs system with 15 gallon kettles. Control panel, all the cables, two pumps and hoses I am selling in central Michigan. I can not ship but if interested PM me.
Whatever you get, go electric if you possibly can.