Homebrew Videos

I was curious if anybody here made their own brewing videos or had some people they like to watch. I learned a lot actually watching people brew through videos, and honestly I have a long boring work day ahead of me.

I just recently started a new YouTube channel to dedicate to my beer hobby.  I resurrected a series of videos I made a few years ago on all-grain brewing and started a new one on extract brewing.

I also created a new blog:  http://www.beerbeforenoon.com

There are quite a few channels out there on homebrewing if you search YouTube…


I’ve watched some of the Northern Brewer, a cpl of the Chop and Brew, and a cpl Don Osborn videos.

Sounds about right. The old Brewing TV videos, and then Chip’s new Chop & Brew shows, along with Basic Brewing Video, are probably the best video podcasts related to homebrewing. Don O’s videos are pretty good as well, although less polished than BBV and BTV.

Brewing basics bug me. Can’t put my finger on it. Too cheeseball maybe?

Yes, they’re cornier than a bourbon wash. That’s part of the appeal to me. Different strokes, I suppose…

+1 to BTV, BBV, Chop and Brew and most of Don Os.

Don’t forget that goofy Canadian craigtube. My favorite is the one where he rock carbed a beer while eating. Classic.

That’s the one I was trying to put my finger on. Awesome stuff.

Here ya go.  8:40 for the stocking-footed keg rock with hotdish consumption.

It’s funny you mentioned Craig, his videos inspired me in a way to finally make the jump and start brewing. I know they can be very…ah…unique, but they got the ball rolling for me. Thanks for all the input everyone. I have a lot of down time at work and I’m always trying to learn more.