I didn’t see a thread about this on the forum, but does anyone have a youtube video showing their brewing process? I’ve read so many threads about how to brew, cool, ferment, etc… and just thought it would be cool for people to post their youtube vids up here so we can see. So if you got a video, please share your link for all to see
I really like this guy’s website: donosborn.com. He keeps good notes about his brewing process and has even made some videos. Enjoy.
There is a lot of good youtube stuff out there but there are also a lot of people who brew that equate it to thinking it should go on youtube. I’d say go to Northern Brewer and their video section. Lots of good info on there.
Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of the videos on NB and youtube, but just wondering if anyone on this board had videos that they may want to share. Whether they already had some videos or wanted to make some and post them here.
I’ve been thinking about it. Does that count?
I’ve been thinking about you doing it too.