Hop disease

Hi everyone!

It is my second year growing hops and the leafs looks like in the picture below…
The first year also happened the same.

I don’t know if it is a disease, fungus or what… Anybody can help me?
The variety is Cascade.

Thank you in advance!!

It’s it windy where your hops live?

Not too much windy. And there are walls near the hops…
But sometimes the wind beat them and they are moving a lot…


could be wind damage, also could be aphids or spider mites sucking the juices out of the leaf and weakening it. Whatever it is, if the plants are otherwise healthy I wouldn’t worry about it.

Low level potasium deficiency?


Thank you everybody.
After that, the flowers looks healthy and very (very) big…



If it’s only occurring on the leaves lower on the plant, it’s most likely just old age.  That type of ugliness (and severe bleaching) has been taking place on on every variety I’ve tried growing since the late '80’s.  I wouldn’t really worry about it.

Any signs of bugs on the back side of the leaves? That would help you identify if aphids or spider mites are an issue.

I agree though, it looks like wind damage

I’ll second the old age but it could also be sun burn. it doesn’t look bug related at all.

That is insect damage and it’s mostly cosmetic so I wouldn’t put much worry in it, the plants will be fine but if it really becomes an issue you can use a general insecticide labeled for edible plants