i read just about every forum relating to growing hops but couldnt find any advice on growing them in the desert. can someone please help me out or just tell me its impossible? i live in the las vegas area if anyone else knows the climate/soil characteristics
I don’t know about impossible, but it’s gonna be very difficult. You might check out the gardening tips at freshops.com and see if you can get any ideas.
I think you’re gonna need some drip irrigation. If you let 'em dry out, even for a day, they’ll have big problems. Mine seem to do fine when they have water, but my climate isn’t quite as hot as yours.
checked out the site, has alot of good info for gardening but doesnt mention anything about climate conditions but i decided im gonna go for it anyway. i have huge roman collumns in my back yard with a big overhang i just cant let go to waste. got myself a couple cascade and nugget rhizomes, wish me luck!
Thanks for the help, Slainte!
I grow Cascades and Nuggets in he New Mexico desert, they do great. I use drip irrigation and water them twice per week. The roots need to dry out, you don’t want them soggy. And the lack of humidity keeps a lot of problems like insects and mildew under control. I have very alkaline crappy soil but that’s easy to fix with some well composted steer manure, plus I add sand for better drainage. Go for it
Sierra Nevada grows hops on their property in Chico, Ca. Not Nevada hot, but still hot and dry.
The drip irrigation and well drained soil is great advice. Hops like soil that is neutral to slightly acidic, pH in the 6-7 range. You might consider 3-1-1 fertilizer if your soil lacks in nutrition.
Hops require a lot of sun, but I think you have that in surplus. Good luck.
thanks for the help everybody, I just picked up some high compost and peat moss soil and I’m setting up a drip irrigation system this weekend and i have a killer trellis setup already. if all goes well will i get at least a little bit of use-able crop this year?
Probably not, next year you should get some and the year after they should be doing great. Use this year to help them grow strong healthy root systems.
I’m planted a Cascade and a Sterling in St. George a few months ago. The Sterling is doing best but it’s only a foot so long, and that’s after one of the wettest springs I’ve seen here.
I have been attempting to grow hops in Phoenix now for 3+yrs… mostly unsucessful until this year… Since your climate is damn near like PHX its going to be tough… Currently I have some on a South facing wall and some on an East facing wall. So far all are doing awsome but the true test will be once it gets over a 100F every day. I also have mine in pots so I can move them around somewhat if needed, so far doesn’t look like I’m going to need to. They are all at least 8’ tall and a few now have cones. This is the 1st time in 3yrs that I’ve made it this far… getting cones. My watering schedule has been 1 gal water every other day and every other watering has a fertilizer mixed into the water. They are planted in a 50/50 mix of homemade compost and potting soil and multched with alfalfa.
Hops grown between the 35th and 55th parallels, so you’re within the range (PHX is on the 33rd) but you’re going to definately need to make sure they have good drainage, lots of water and really good afternoon shade. Hopefully they are on the East or South facing part of your trellis. Good luck!