Armed with the experience from my last insanely-hopped IIPA, and under command to reduce my hops inventory in the freezer per my lovely wife, I thought I’d take another stab at the ridiculous. My ingenious idea: malt liquor meets IIPA.
I basically took Charlie P’s O/E 800 recipe and bumped up the gravity with some extra 2-row and a pound of sugar. Then I figured, if malt liquor comes in 40oz bottles, then it would only be fitting to use 40 oz of hops in a 5-gallon batch.
Someone please convince me that this is a horrible idea, otherwise I just may end up brewing this abomination.
Title: 40 oz (Hop Liquor)
Brew Method: All Grain
Style Name: Classic American Pilsner
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 3.5 gallons
Efficiency: 80% (brew house)
No Chill: 5 minute extended hop boil time
Original Gravity: 1.072
Final Gravity: 1.011
ABV (standard): 8.01%
IBU (rager): 296.98
SRM (morey): 3.27
5 lb - American - Pale 2-Row (39.2%)
3.75 lb - American - Pale 6-Row (29.4%)
3 lb - Flaked Corn (23.5%)
1 lb - Cane Sugar - (late addition) (7.8%)
2 oz - Centennial, Type: Leaf/Whole, Use: Mash (AA 10.2, IBU: 11.13)
4 oz - Simcoe, Type: Leaf/Whole, Use: Mash (AA 11.9, IBU: 25.96)
2 oz - Cascade, Type: Pellet, Use: First Wort (AA 5, IBU: 11.43)
2 oz - Motueka, Type: Pellet, Use: First Wort (AA 7.2, IBU: 16.45)
2 oz - Chinook for 60 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 14.2, IBU: 96.93)
2 oz - Cascade for 30 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 5, IBU: 22.76)
2 oz - Motueka for 15 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 7.2, IBU: 16.45)
2 oz - Simcoe for 10 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 12.2, IBU: 21.9)
2 oz - Chinook for 5 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 14.2, IBU: 20.75)
2 oz - Cascade for 0 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 5, IBU: 5.45)
2 oz - Centennial for 0 min, Type: Leaf/Whole, Use: Boil (AA 10.2, IBU: 11.13)
2 oz - Chinook for 0 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 14.2, IBU: 15.49)
2 oz - Motueka for 0 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 7.2, IBU: 7.85)
2 oz - Simcoe for 0 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil (AA 12.2, IBU: 13.31)
2 oz - Centennial for 5 days, Type: Leaf/Whole, Use: Dry Hop (AA 10.2)
2 oz - Chinook for 4 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop (AA 14.2)
2 oz - Motueka for 3 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop (AA 7.2)
2 oz - Simcoe for 2 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop (AA 12.2)
2 oz - Cascade for 1 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop (AA 5)
- Infusion, Temp: 147 F, Time: 90 min
- Infusion, Temp: 156 F, Time: 30 min
Wyeast - Pilsen Lager 2007
Pitch Rate: 2.0 (M cells / ml / deg P)
Centennial “mash hop” addition is runoff into kettle through leaf hops
Centennial 0 minute boil is runoff into fermenter through leaf hops
Divide flameout hops in half. 2nd half goes in after 80-minute hot hopstand.
Add topoff water 1 gallon at a time to kettle after chilling to “sparge” hop trub.
Ferment low 50’s. Raise to 68F after 2 weeks and begin dry hop additions. Each addition 2 days apart, bottle 3 days after last dry hop addition.