Hop Pellet Infusion

My first batch of beer was really hazy as I directly deposited my hops into the wort at the 60 minute mark and then at the 15 minute. I did one final at 0 minutes. 5 days later I did a dry hop into the fermenting wort.

Is there an easy way to keep the hop pellets from making my wort and ultimately my final beer so hazy. I am running only small batches 1-3 Gallon yield. I have been primarily doing BIAB batches so far.

Thanks in advance.

BTW, I am having a ton of fun brewing and learning more about beer. My current batch is the LTHD22 Hoppy Amber. Will bottle next weekend and then wait for carbonation to end.

Putting the hops in a bag will help somewhat. For me, the best solution is time and cold temp.

Thanks @denny. I appreciate it! Interestingly, even with my beer in the fridge and bottled it is still super hazy. I am going to go with the bag method on my next hop infusion and see what happens. I real do thank you for your answer.

If that’s the case, it may not be due to hops.

There a lot of causes for haze, but I think hops is pretty far down on the list.
Have you tried gelatin on the finished beer before packaging?

No, didn’t do any gelatin. Might try that on my next batch.

Did you use Whirlfloc or other clarifying agent in the boil? Dry hops add a slight haze. Not using Whirlfloc can leave a lot of protein haze.

I didn’t. I will probably get some next time I am at my LHBS.

How big were your 0-minute and dry hop additions?

The amount and likelihood of hop haze is closely correlated with large flameout/whirlpool additions, and to a lesser extent dry hops, in my experience. I use very large amounts of late hops in my IPA’s (1-2 oz/gallon, occasionally more) and they never clear up.

Was it clear or hazy when in bottles, still warm? (In other words, is this chill haze?)