Hops Direct Yard Sale

Hops Direct is having a yard sale today. They have Amarillo pellets and Citra leaf by the pound, among some other nice deals. Get 'em while you can.

Citra is already sold out.

I’m a fan of the Sonnet Goldings if anyone was thinking about giving those a try.  $10/lb . . . less than i paid for them :frowning:

Already placed my order.  Where I’m going to put all those hops, I do not know.

I’ve already taken over a significant portion of the freezer.

I ordered a pound of these today. What kind of flavors and aromas do you get from them? Any particular styles that they’re well-suited for?

Thanks Mark!
I snagged a lb. of Amarillo and a lb. of Mittlefruh for less than thirty bucks!

cant beat a lb of willamette and columbus for 6 bucks a piece. And some centennial and magnum for good measure. Sweet!

I find them similar to other Goldings, I sub them all of the time.

Ok…what’s the catch?  Amarillo for $16.50 / lb?  I thought they were in short supply this year.

Grabbed some Columbus and Willamette too.

Thank you! Wish I could have gotten in before the Chinook sold out, but a 6 bucks a pound each for Columbus, Ultra and Willamette is a nice score!

Over on Brews-Bros., there’s a guy who says he uses them all the time and they’re fairly citrus.  Do you get any of that, Tom?

No, I can’t say that I do, they’re more on the floral side to me.  But I haven’t tried this years batch yet so maybe it has changed.  I noticed that with Amarillo, when they first came out I thought they were a lot more grapefruity than they are now.

I was able to score some Organic Hallertau, bummer that they sold out of Citra.

I’m not allowing myself to even look at the hop sites until I get through my overpurchases from earlier in the year.

Oh man, me too. I still have almost a pound of Willamette from last year I haven’t used yet.

Crap, I missed out. How did you find out about the sale?

Twitter… @HomebrewAcademy

I think they posted it on their Facebook page as well.

Cool. Thanks!

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