I brewed what can basically be called a baltic porter for simplicity’s sake. It had an OG of 1.078 and has appeared to finish at 1.010 which is definitely points below where I expected. This puts the beers right at 9% ABV and a sample after 3 weeks in the fermenter is hot, boozy, and reminds me of whiskey.
I realize that only time can mellow it out and I also realize this is a super young beer considering. Any idea how much time would be appropriate to make a decent judgement? The issue is this is a test batch for an xmas beer that I will be giving away. It will be hard to make judgments if it isn’t ready by the time I am ready to brew the final version. I know the answer is, it will be ready when it’s ready…haha. Also, if others will be drinking it around xmas, I need to make sure that it ages long enough before I give it out.
Any tips on smoothing it out? I am worried that with such a low FG that it will come across harsh even for a higher ABV beer. I will be bottling this batch. Should I consider a lower carbonation to help smooth it?
Next batch I will definitely adjust my mashing process in attempt to decrease attenuation so that if finishes higher…
You could try blending it with another beer of a higher FG or just give it time. I would first probably give it some time to mellow out before making any judgements.
I think big beers like this need time. It could be a couple of months or maybe a year. Did you use a lager yeast? If so, some lagering could help out and smooth it around the edges.
By ‘hot’ do you think fermentation temps got a little high? Bigger beers that fermented cool enough can seem boozy early on, then smooth out in a month or three. Higher temp ‘hot’ fusels make for headache bombs. I bet it’ll be a totally different beer in a month.
It fermented with us05 around 63F for the first few days then I let it free rise to around 70f over a couple of days and it finished up there never getting above 72. Maybe I should have kept it at a lower temp longer. I plan to bottle next week and hope for a good brew. By hot I just meant alcoholic tasting like booze. I rarely brew higher og beers so I don’t have first hand knowledge here. I would say the long mash at a low temp with some simple sugar did the trick here…
I don’t see any issues with your fermentation schedule. Letting the temp rise helps bigger beers to finish, IME.
I think you might be rushing a little on bottling. I would bulk age it for a bit and see if it mellows. I’d give it at least another week, probably two, beyond what you’re planning. Waiting will not harm the beer.
haha…yeah. This is one of those posts that I already know the answer to; wait and see. I am not afraid of a boozy kick as long as it isn’t harsh in relation to what it is. My lack of higher OG brewing just has me a bit curious.
After three weeks I wouldn’t be overly concerned about the status of the beer if boozy is the problem. If you underpitched yeast and there is a fermentation flaw then that might get you an answer better than “wait and see” to your issue. If you’re giving this away for Christmas than you have plenty of time to see whether it has smoothed out or needs some help in a way time can’t resolve on its own.
Ok great. Man I think I will just have to make some premature judgements so that I will have time brew the final batch and let it age long enough.
Thanks all, I will try to remember and update to let ya know how it turns out. For next batch, I will remove the brown sugar which I used to bump up my OG after getting low efficiency. I am also thinking about switching out the dark munich (9L) which is at about 33% for light munich (6L).
It seems like I often get hot alcohol tastes when trying an early sample from the fermenter. These usually go away by the time the beer has carbonated. I have assumed this was either related to fusel alcohols from fermentation collecting over the beer in the fermenter or that the fusel alcohols just age out quickly.
Let it sit. Assuming it’s not just loaded with fusel alcohols. My best example of this is my first batch of mead. For the first year, it was so alcoholic. Undrinkable. During the second year, the alcohol was fading and it was becoming more drinkable. Just hit year three, and wow, it’s pretty tasty now. I thought I had screwed up on fermentation, but having read a fair amount, didn’t want to dump it and just sat on it for a while, hoping that would clean it up and mellow it out. Well, it took about 3 years for the mead, but it did. If a mead can do that, I’m sure a beer, with many more, stronger flavors, can do the same (and I’ve had that happen too, doesn’t take as long for beer luckily).
So, my advice, sit on it. Hopefully it doesn’t take a year or two, but you’ll be surprised how big of a difference even just 6 months can make.