How about just naming a Brewery... like BELL'S

I really like Two Hearted Ale as an all around IPA, and I also enjoy their Kalamazoo Stout.  HopSlam… well, you either love it or hate it is what I get from those who have tried it.  I’m not into Wheat beers because it messes with my stomache so I haven’t tried the Oberon.

love Two-hearted ale and hate Oberon.  IMO you’re not missing much, but I don’t like wheat beers much either.

Expedition Stout and Third Coast Old Ale.

These two are on my awesome list.  Perfect for warming up after shoveling snow, or just for sipping in the evening.

My old ale recipe is a clone of Third Coast and it’s a huge hit around the neighborhood.

Double Cream Stout is some tasty stuff. I always look forward to seeing it, even if that means it’s winter  :(  Their Java Stout is very good, but pricey.

I really like Oberon, but I like wheat beers.