What's your favorite type of beer?

What’s your favorite type of beer?

The one in my hand

Man that’s a tough question and varies day to day, hour to hour for me.  The beers I keep coming back to regularly and aspire to brew more frequently right now are German lagers and ales, but I love (and brew) ales and lagers from all over.

The Belgian Trappists. Single. Dubbel. Tripel. Dark Strong. It’s all I brew.


German lagers.

I like porters and stouts brewed with yeasts that don’t deliver a lot of esters e.g. US05.  I’ll drink other styles, but wouldn’t want 5 gallons of most of them.

All the commercial IPAs I’ve tasted have too much citrus hops IMO.

But, each to his own.

It used to be a pretty automatic “Belgians” for me… but things have changed as I’ve broadened my tastes.  I have a hard time declaring a “favorite” anymore. But, I still love Belgians, I enjoy Barrel aged stouts and barleywines and I’m starting to get into sours as well.  My favorite sours still lean toward Belgium as fruited lambics are my favorite (Kriek in particular).

Depends on the mood, but usually a Helles.

Helles, Kolsch, Saison, IPA, and Belgian Triple are what I would have on tap all the time if I consistently brewed.
I like Marzen/Dark Lager and Stout/Porter in the winter.
So yes the one in my hand. I’m pretty sick of buying beer that is hardly average. Looking forward to a full tap list again.

Depends on season and mood. I probably drink more APA and German styles than anything else, but I love good IPA (mostly mine) and Belgian beer as well.

While committing to a favourite style to drink is hard I would say that right now making beers with fruit and berry additions is my favourite . it represents a new challenge,I’m able to source the ingredients from my garden and my results blow away what is commercially available

Judging by which kegs get drained the quickest, I would have to say tripel.

I waffle between lambic and saison

Like others, I would have to say it depends on what I’m in the mood for, what I’m doing, and other things. Just depends.

If I had to choose just one type: Saison.


Nothing too hoppy, strong, or sour. I prefer all malted barley but a little sugar of one sort or another or wheat is semi-acceptable from time to time: Mild, English Pale Ales, Porters, Stout, Irish Ale, Scottish Ale, Brown Ale, Amber Ale, Blonde Ale, Kölsch, Cream Ale, California Common, Bock, Dunkel, Festbier, Export, Saison, Wit, Weizen, etc.

Sam Adams makes a decent variety of beers; unfortunately, American beers as a group tend to be lacking.

It appears you are in FoCo. You don’t like any of the local stuff there?? You think Sam is better than say Odell? Just curious.

Marzen, Oktoberfest, Festbier, Dunkel, Pilsner