Has anyone tried soaking wheat berries in water overnight before milling, to soften them up?
Does anyone have advice for torrifying them in an oven? Like how hot and how long?
Has anyone tried soaking wheat berries in water overnight before milling, to soften them up?
Does anyone have advice for torrifying them in an oven? Like how hot and how long?
My friend asked Randy Mosher the same question on Ask the Experts. Scroll to Richie from Delaware.
I’ve used it several times… I run it thru the mill 2x then mix in with the mash… I don’t get the ‘creamy mouthfeel’ that Randy is looking for but I can taste it and I still get good head retention.
I found a used Corona mill on Amazon for $18 w/free shipping. I think Mosher is right that a malt mill isn’t appropriate for milling unmalted grains. As a bonus, I can use it to make masa harina!
A bunch of us made a 30 gal batch of wheat beer with almost 50lb of unmalted wheat. They milled it through a roller mill. I missed that part but I heard it was a b!#%h!!