How do I get from the airport to the AHA confrence hotel?

Might be a stupid question, but is the Sheraton running a shuttle service or is there public transport?


They say there is a shuttle near the bottom of the page.

Someone posted this on the Brewing Network Forum:

Homebrewers has contracted transportation during your conference. Our transportation schedule is as follows. The shuttle leaves the hotel at 6:30am for the first pick up at the airport of 7:00am. Our shuttle runs hourly by leaving the hotel at the ½ hour or bottom of the hour and pick up/leaving the airport at the top of the hour. The last shuttle to leave the airport for the hotel is 10:00pm After gathering your luggage please proceed 1 level below baggage claim to Ground Transportation (follow airport signage for ground transportation). Once at Ground Transportation please proceed to the side that states Hotel Transportation/Taxis. Our shuttle is blue, white and silver with the Sheraton logo and hotel name written on the side.

There is a shuttle that runs every hour.  Just go out to the ground transportation area and wait for it.  IIRC, they said it’s a blue/silver bus that says “Sheraton Bloomington” on it.  When I got in yesterday, I had just missed the 6 PM shuttle.  Rather than wait another hour, I happened to run across a couple other people going to the hotel and we split a cab.  The cab ride is about $27.50, plus a couple extra bucks per person.

As simple as RTFM :wink:


One more thing. It does not mention that there will be beer on the bus. Should I assume that this is a given or is the beer at the hotel only.


Do you mean just transporting it, or drinking it?

I guess the joke got lost in me not being specific enough. I meant being served beer :wink:


[quote=“Kaiser, post:7, topic:2285, username:kaiser”]

I guess the joke got lost in me not being specific enough. I meant being served beer :wink:


The fact that I started drinking didn’t help, either!

I can see Kai right now…

Way to go, Denny! It’s five o’clock somewhere, right? :wink:

Man I wish I was going.  :cry:

You and me both my friend.  :wink: