Just curious. I’ve done 116 gallons so far, but hopefully I’ll double that by the end of the year.
- 0-25
- 26-50
- 51-100
- 101-150
Just curious. I’ve done 116 gallons so far, but hopefully I’ll double that by the end of the year.
About 100, and ahem…you mean you’d like to get to the 200 gallon limit;)
Just hit 100. Good thing there’s another adult in the household!
I brew 5 a week unless I’m doing lagers, then I do ten gallons every four weeks. So, December 31st I’ll be just a few ounces under 200
34… Between moving into a new House and going to NHC, it’s been a slow year.
I brew 1-2 three-gallon batches a month on average, so I’m probably in the 30-40 gallon ballpark. Which is fine, since I generally only drink about a case a month.
I generally brew on a fiscal year schedule. Starts in the Fall when the ground cools and ends around May when the weather heats up again. Normally 5-6 5gal batches Jan to May and 6-8 Oct thru Dec. So in 2013, 30 gal.
Except for parties its only me drinking it so anymore and just get so far ahead on supply I’d never catch up.
Looking back on my records I’ve brewed 73 gallons. 21 - 3 gallon batches and 2 - 5 gallon batches. It’s good to have thirsty friends and neighbors or I wouldn’t be able to brew this much!
80 gallons so far. I’ve had years where I’ve brewed more, but with the kids outside activities at a high level this year, I’m pleased. The consistency has been good. +1 to having friends help drink it or I wouldn’t have brewed that much.
I’ve brewed 80 or 85 gallons. I don’t have my notes here, but I’ve brewed 14 batches. Two were 10 gallons for sure… There might have been one more ten gallon batch. The plan was to brew 30 batches this year, but I took 2 1/2 months off in the spring to get some graduate school work completed. I did my best to get back on pace in July, but we will come up short. I will be shooting for 25 now.
I just added them up, and I am at 55 gallons. A little behind schedule, mostly because I took a hiatus between November and March.
35 and counting!
I brewed gallons 38-42 this afternoon. I’m behind my pace of the last few years.
Wow! You guys actually keep records? I figure if I don’t know how much I have brewed…nobody else will either
12 batches so 120 gallons. Don’t know where it has all gone. Come to think of it, I have been invited to quite a few cookouts this summer. 8)
65 gallons here
I only keep records of my recipes, but unfortunately they all have volumes associated with them so I’m self-incriminating I suppose.
70, which is a pretty good pace in (mostly) 5-gallon batches!
55 gallons so far this year, with another 30 scheduled before the end of the year.