How much did you brew in 2009?

I tally up my brewing logs from last year and I brew 25 times and made 125 gal of beer.

How much did you brew last year?

This topic is not intended to be “I brew more then you”.
Look in your logs and have a fun.

well honestly newbie speaking got my equipment at christmas but made 4 batches since they they are fermenting its a great thing my house still smells like some nice cascades and chinook

Now what’d ya make me go and do that for?  Went ahead and checked my logs and turns out I brewed an unlucky 13 times in 2009  :-[

I brewed only 12 times last year :frowning: I need to make it a point to brew a lot more this year.

Only 32 times. I must be slacking, this year I plan to do at least 40. All 5 gallons  :wink:

21 batches and 99 gallons – a couple of 3 gallon batches in there. Only one recipe repeated, which I wouldn’t have remembered without looking.

13 batches @ 5 gallons each.  Got the last batch in on New Year’s eve day.


14 five gallon batches.  Honestly looking back I was surprised at how many batches I had made considering I can’t brew from late spring to early fall because it’s too warm in my house.  I just got a fridge to ferment in so this “no summer brewing” problem has now resolved.

17 five gallon batches and 1 3 gallon batch of mead.  Still have a smoked scotch stout, cali common, and the mead to bottle.  Now that I have deep freezer I hope to brew some lagers this year, thinking about starting with a german pils.

14 times for me.  One batch was 3 gal, and the rest were 5 gal.


18 one keg batches averaging 5.5 gallons each for a total of 99 gallons

5 two keg batches averaging 12 gallons each for a total of 60 gallons

1 triple keg batch 16 gallons for a total of 16 gallons

So my yearly beer total was 175 gallons, which safely places me with-in the legal limit ;D

Oh yes I also did one 5.5 gallon batch of mead

Including wine, right at 200 gallons. Beer alone 160 gallons. Why am I low on beer? ???  :smiley:

I have been retired for 2009.  More time to brew.  I was suprised to find that I brewed 200 gallons.  :wink:

231 gallons brewed in 2009. 6 of that was Wine, the wife wanted me to try this route see if we can find any good kits.

42 brew sessions

A few partigyles
Some were double batches.

Didnt count wine, cider and mead.

I have no idea how much I brewed last year. I don’t really feel like going and adding up pages of notes - probably way more than I was supposed to. :wink:

30 sessions, 185 gallons, not including wine or mead.

My beer hobby suffered - only 5 batches for 57 gallons (11 or 12 gallons each).

Also started 23 gallons of Bordeaux style wine (bulk maturing now), bottled 26 gallons of last year’s pinot noir (132 bottles),

bottled 5 gallons of mead, made 10 gallons of cherry port fortified with French brandy (bottled half this weekend), 5 gallons of hard cider, and 2 or 3 couple-gallon batches of limoncello.

I expect beer production will go up in 2010 now that I built a kegerator with 3 taps and room for couple more picnic taps.

14 batches
70 gallons

12 batches ;D