How much commercial beer do you buy? Poll

I’ve have an ongoing discussion with some of my homebrew friends on this topic for a while now.  I’m the type that loves to try new stuff, especially locally produced beers.  Some of my buddies balk at me when I come home from the liquor store with 80 bucks worth of beer.  (Heck even I balk at me sometimes.)

So what’s your take?

How much commercially produced beer do you still buy as an avid homebrewer?
  • Just as much as I always did, guess how many fridges I have?
  • No more cases! Only 6 packs and bombers for this guy!
  • I’m down to single 12 and 22oz bottles, some old and some new!
  • Only very rarely, and only known favorites or stuff I can’t make myself.
  • Why buy what I can make myself?
  • It’s variable, man.
0 voters

I usually purchase a  mixed six pack a week of varying examples across the spectrum of styles. It can get quite expensive for some of the exotic 750mL Belgians and micros but I am always looking to try new and different examples.

I’m about the same as bluesman, but it’s more like a 6-pack or a bomber every 2-3 weeks, just because that’s how often I get to town.

I really don’t buy commercial beer except for Belgian beer sunday, beer brought back from Belgium. That would be roughly 2 cases of singles, going for a variety of different beers to sample. Tonight its a  Malmedy Blanche, w/plenty of yeast in the bottle to culture-up :wink:

But the last locally bought beer was  a 6pk of Bigfoot,Hoptimum, Hopslam, Sam Adams Latitude 48,Noble Pils and thats  all of last year.

Everything else is homebrew :slight_smile:

I can’t buy singles here so that’s not an option.  I really only buy commercial beers I’ve never tried or the occasional Trappists that I can’t get around here.  Or when I run out of homebrew which doesn’t happen often.

I don’t know if any of the poll options really fit me.
The goal is to not buy commercial beer anymore.  The reality is that I can’t keep up homebrewing and am drinking it faster than I can brew/keg it.  So I’d say I’m buying about 1/2 as much as I did before I got back in to homebrewing but I’m drinking 150% as much beer in total.  I don’t go through commercial beer as fast as I seem to go through my own.

I need another poll option:

-A bit less than I used to, but I still enjoy certain commercial brews and trying new offerings.

I Love homebrewing/my beer, but I also enjoy many commercial styles of IPA’s, barleywines, Belgians, etc.  I don’t go to the bottle shop quite as often as I used to, but I’m still a loyal patron of 99 Bottles in Federal Way, WA.

Being unable to buy singles would bum me out.  Sorry to hear that.

At 99 Bottles (and most bottle shops around here), every bottle is priced per-bottle.  I can buy singles of everything/anything.


There isn’t a “bottle shop” within 75 miles of here that I know of.  We only have 3 grocery stores and convenience stores that sell beer.  I think there is a store in Roswell NM but it pretty much only sells NM beer and wine.

Sometimes I go months without buying any, sometimes I buy a lot on a short period of time, sometimes it’s somewhere in between.  It depends on if I see something I really want to try or is a good deal, or just strikes my fancy.  I hadn’t bought any beer since Christmas, but this week I picked up a 6 of SN Glissade and a case (plus 3 bottles) of Duvel.

Hope you don’t mind that I added one more choice to your poll.

I buy a lot less in general but when a seasonal favorite is around, I buy much more. SN Celebration, in particular.

My LHBS is also a bottle shop so I’ll often buy random bombers and singles when I’m buying grain

could not have said it any better.  exactly my situation.

over the past year, I’ve been actively trying NOT to buy commercial except for those very highly regarded favorites.

when out at a bar, I try to support our local, but that is not often.

First off, I drink almost 100% "commercial beer now “technically”.  :wink:

But when was homebrewing I rarely bought beer, except of course stuff that I wanted to try or that I really love (like orval or other belgians). That said, I would sometimes drop $200 bucks on commercial beer in one sitting at a decent beer store on stuff I wanted to try or stuff I just had to have again. but now I just can;t afford that. (Oh, the irony! Its killing me!  :P). But mostly I just drank (and drink) my own beer. Rarely do I have to stop by for a six pack of something to drink while I’m grilling on a friday night.

Inversely proportional to the amount I’ve been brewing lately.  And I usually buy a bunch at the AHA conference.

Not very much and when I do it’s usually for style research.

Very little for my house… a single bottle of something special here and there when I see something I want to try.

Now… how much do I spend on drafts at beer bars?  I’d rather not do that math  :slight_smile:

I buy mostly singles, either 12 oz or bombers, unless it’s one of my favorites. Then I’ll buy a sixer or more.

I’ll buy an occasional sixer and a couple times a year Costco will have a beer I like so I’ll buy a case. A growler or two a month from nearby micros.

I still buy sixers now and then and dirty 30’s of PBR in the summer.  Most of my money is spent going out to bars though.  I definitely buy less beer from stores than I used to, but my consumption at bars hasn’t really diminished.