I would like to bottle condition 6-10 bottles of a 5 gallon batch and keg the rest. I did some figuring and came up with around .7 tsp of table sugar per bottle. This seems high to me, so has anyone else done this by adding sugar to each bottle individually and if so what is the correct amount for about 2.5 volumes?
I use 2.3g per 12 oz bottle.
Thank you! It looks like I was a little too high…with my calculations.
The right amount in my experience is very close to 1/2 teaspoon per 12 oz.
ive been using this and it works
Me being lazy, Morebeer and others sell sugar tablets that are designed for 12 ounce bottles. One tablet in, beer in, seal and wait. So far, the carb has been pretty spot on. My brother has done 2 or 3 5 gallon batches using these and he has not had any problems that I know of.
Thanks everyone, I think I’ll use little more than a 1/2 tsp of table sugar. I wanted to avoid making another trip to the LHBS for the carb tabs.