Too little priming sugar

I had a brain fart in measuring priming/table sugar when trying to put half a 5 gallon batch of a belgian golden strong in 24 bottles.  About week ago i added 28 g of table sugar to the 2.3 gal beer in a bottling bucket.  Do I need to just accept my 1.1 vol co2 booboo or can I pop the caps and add some sugar water solution?  i just don’t want to make things worse… the beer is drinkable flat and the other half in the keg is yummy.

Option 1 - Try adding a simple syrup of sorts. Might work easily enough, but you will let some of the carbonation escape when adding it.

Option 2 - Add sugar or prime tabs/drops. Bad idea, could make a foamy mess when you add the sugar

Option 3 - Leave it alone. That’s what I would do.

Option 4 - When the keg kicks, pour the bottles into the keg under a blanket of CO2. Too much effort IMO.

you can. it’s somewhat risky (infection, oxidation) but if you are careful it’s totally doable.

the hardest part is accurately dosing each bottle. A medicine syringe with cc or ml markings will be your friend there. also a friend will be your friend because Ideally you would pop the cap, add the sugar, and recap immediatly.

Add exactly 1/2 teaspoon table sugar to each bottle and re-cap.  Do it right away before you get any carbonation.  This would work best as a 2-person operation – one to uncap and re-cap, and the other to measure 1/2 teaspoon and add.

The uncapping part is rather uneventful. You have to have a good rhythm down, but you can add the sugar and get the cap on in one smooth motion. Plan on foaming over the first couple of bottles, but you should be able to save most of them. The trick I used was to have the cap stuck to the magnet on my hand-capper. You don’t need to rush the crimp; you just need to have the cap on with some pressure to seal it before it foams over.

Thaat sounds like fun. Anyone try bottling that way from the beginning?

on occasion if I knew I wanted a couple bottles when I was kegging I would measure some sugar into a few bottles and once the beer was in the keg just run some uncarbed into the bottles and cap. easier than counter pressure filling for sure.

For my 1-gallon batches I bottle straight from the fermenter and use Cooper’s carb drops, although I have weighed out individual doses of sugar when I was out of the drops. It’s fine for small batches, but it’s much easier to prime in bulk in the bottling bucket for larger batches.

It’s the re-priming of half-carbed bottles that gets pretty hairy.

Measuring the individual dose of priming sugar is a PIA. I also tried making a syrup and dosing with a pipette, easy but to much effort to heat and mix. Finally caved and bought the drops. Such a stupid thing to spend $5-6 on, but convenience is king.

I’m thinking about getting a silcone mold and making my own. just need to find the right sized mold. Maybe this one.

I hear that sugar cubes are supposedly the right size for a 12oz bottles, but I have yet to try it out.

The smaller 10 calorie cubes would be just about perfect, but I can find them here. All I can find are the 15 calorie cubes.

Thanks for the feedback and info… I’ve chickened out and am going to let em ride as is…

Good choice.  I always feel like any time you get the opportunity to keep your hands out of the beer and eff with it less, you should take it.  Lots more batches in your future.

15 calorie or 3.75gr sugar should be just about perfect for 22oz bomber with 20-21oz fill @ 2.5vols.

True, but my main need is for small batches of 12oz bottles. Someday I will find them. I bet they have them on Amazon, but that just seems like a weird item to order on Amazon.