How much yeast to add for refermentation in a high gravity beer?

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations about how much fresh yeast to add to a high gravity Belgian to help ensure good bottle carbonation and conditioning?

I go with about half a pack of US-05, rehydrated, for my 1.083 belgian golden ale.  Works like a champ.  Sipping on one right now as a matter of fact.

Didn’t even think about it and bottled one with no additional yeast, guess I will give it time and see if those worn out yeast from the primary fermentation are up to the task.

I have a second one that needs to be bottled and I don’t want to chance it twice.  The US-05 might do the trick nicely.  I wonder if I will have to open my first batch of bottles and sneak a little into each one if they don’t carb up…

Yeah, I’d give it time and see what happens.  How long has the first one been in the bottles?

About 10 days

Yeah, I definitely would let that one go awhile longer before messing with trying to get more yeast in there.  It’s probably going to be fine even if it takes a little longer to carb up.