I am really disappointed in Sam Adams

They’re simply doing what they agreed to do.  IMO, they should have just skipped that whole approach to advertising.


Seems like an unconstitutional rule to me but still, meh

In today’s day and age this is like being on the Titanic and grumbling about my socks getting wet. There’s a myriad of other bigger problems coming.

Beer is good. I’ll avoid the rest of it.


This is true

I do know I will avoid buying their beer from now on though.

The power of a free market. Buy it cuz they left it out or don’t buy it cuz they left it out. We all win.

Group hug ^-^

They’re talking about beer.  You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger conservative than I.  Whatever, dude.  It’s beer.  It’s a commercial.  Who  takes commercials seriously, anyway?  Many more bigger fish to get upset about.

Oh come on.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

They also ommitted ‘[…] that among these are […]’ what do they have against complete sentences? I’m sorry but that’s the news ginning up controversy to put buts in seats.

Making a story out of nothing…

I think the bigger story is that this guy’s fav beer is yuengling. Having gone to school in PA, I drank a lot of the ling. I don’t get the continuous appeal.

Wow… Major face palm that fox even reported this… what a joke.  Decent commercial overall, but do they really need to advertise on public television?

Not unconstitutional and definitely meh.  I can’t believe this is even an issue.

The constitution limits what the government can do, not what private trade organizations like the Beer Institute can do.  The only exception is when a private actor is engaging in conduct involving the “badges or incidents of slavery,” i.e., racial discrimination.

I wish they had passed on the whole deal like Denny said above. But, since they didn’t I don’t really have problem with how it was done.  I have a bigger problem with the cop came in my office last week and told me that guns were a God-given right.  Now that was some news to me.

Not to mention that now followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will be upset with fox news that they decided to change the word “Creator” to “God”!  Come to think of it, the FSM folks may actually have a better reason to be upset.

+1.  It’s the modern day Coors.

And I’ll probably buy more of it.

The whole “controversy” over this non-story is ridiculous. 
I shouldn’t be surprised…I’m not a fan of Fox “news”.

I am really disappointed in the douche at Fox news whose favorite beer is Yeungling.  That discredits anything he says in my opinion(not that Fox news is my first source of news in the first place).

It is an interesting choice of an ad on Sam Adams part, since they know they had to adhere to certain guidelines.  They just probably thought the general idea was good enough that they wouldn’t get ripped apart by holier than thou extreme conservatives.  I’ll continue to drink Sam Adams because I like most of their beer(Cherry Wheat not so much) and I like that they were a trailblazer for craft beer.

After sleeping on it, it doesn’t bother me so much now. I just get tired of the fact that God and prayer keep getting removed from one thing and then another. This was just another straw on a very weakened camel’s back for me. A guy on the MrBeer forum put it in really good perspective.

FedoraDave is who I am refering to in this thread.

This is trying to create a story out of nothing:

  1. When I watched the video I did not assume the guy was reading a quote out of the Declaration, rather that he was paraphrasing. I didn’t realize any time we talk about the Declaration we can only cite verbatim. That is news to me and I have a BA in political science and a Juris Doctor.

  2. It’s consistent with industry standards. Ok, you don’t think industry standards should cut out religion. I get it, but it cuts both ways. You don’t have “Jesus’s favorite beer” or references to a particular deity in a commercial, but you also don’t have Tasty Crucifixion Cream Ale, Drunk Jesus IPA, God is a Joke Porter, etc. I’d rather see beer ads, which have nothing to do with anybody’s religious beliefs, take a neutral position on religion than the uproar over a beer with marketing that offends the religious beliefs of others.

I’m more offended that they used the Declaration of Independence for advertising than I am that they left out a few words.