I just wanna say....

I love you people…

In one week, we’re up to 665 users and we had 82 people online at once today.  That’s really great.  Thank you all of you users, admins, and mods for your contributions that have gotten this board off to such a great start.  It’s only gonna get better…

that’s awesome - already feels like a good community.  helps that I know probably 20% of the members already, but still nice to see it moving in the right direction!

As I stated early in the “Banned” thread, this forum and everyone in it are excellent.  Its becoming a great little community!  ;D

IMO, I think this board gets better by the day. More people join and the discussions get more informational. I don’t post much in the other areas, but I do read them a lot.

Keep up the good work!

Lets hope it stays that way Denny… :slight_smile:

Thanks to all who were responsible for putting up this board.  It’s hard not to check it every few minutes.  Lots of great information and people here.

I am absolutely blown away how fast this forum has grown. It is even getting a little tough for me to keep up reading all the posts. I really don’t think I have ever seen one take off like this. Great work.

This forum grows like the cell count in a starter…

I love you too, Denny.

You know,  in some countries, we are now considered married.  :-\

Great board. It really is. Gonna be fun getting to know you all.

Ya’ll are my bestest invisible friends evar!  :smiley: Seriously it is amazing and I can’t wait to see how this forum grows in the years to come. Thanks to Denny and Drew and Crispy and the other people who are as yet unnamed who made it all possible. A lot of work these guys put in and a lot of effort. Thanks guys and gals!

Sweeet!  ;D

This is a great place.


As I stated in one of the other threads, I forsee this becoming the “go-to” homebrewing board when you need an answer without the fluff on some other sites

Yall did real good, AHA. Great forum!

So who’s going to be user 666?!

edit: I guess I could have just checked. Congrats, constantgardener389!

In my local brew club meeting I mentioned the new website and the forum to everyone. I asked how many were AHA members and only 5 or 6 out of the 30 people at the meeting were AHA members. Hopefully, I helped generate some new members?? If not, maybe they’ll check things out anyway.

It’s wonderful, Marge!  I’ve never felt so accepted in all my life.  These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.

Seriously, I do love the new forum.  Nice work!

Dude! That was awesome! gotta love a good Simpsons reference!

Great episode! Stonecutters and the No Homers rule.
