New Forum Record!

We set a new record today at 7:54pm EST. We had 114 users/guests online at that time. The AHA is becoming ever so popular these days.

This is a great place to hang out.  :)

I remember when it started :smiley:

A bunch of  us came over from the (unmentionable) forum because of something the weazle did. Or they did to him ???
I can’t remember now but I was mad >:(

Unmentionable? Oh, you must mean the forum.

Yea…that’s right they nixed the non-beer related discussions which was the beginning of the great migration.  :slight_smile:

Fond memories there.  8)

I still check in from time to time but the AHA rules!

Cheers to the AHA, bacon, turtles, and lack of pants. This is always an entertaining place.

Oh yeah, blame Weaze. Real original. I was pretty mad too. I still am. I don’t remember why though. I just rember being mad.

heretofore known as The Great Migration

Please, tell me the story of the Great Migration?

Seems very strange that there are over 200 guests here and well over half of them are viewing the “My Brewery and Alehouse-Shed” thread.

While I think it is sad that a lot of other forums seem to be losing steam I am glad to see the one flourishing. Heck, we have Gorden Strong, Drew Beechum, Denny (well, I guess he’s on all the forums  :D) and even Charlie P stopping in from time to time. Hard to beat that starting line up!

Why is that strange?


I love looking at that shed.  :slight_smile:

I have my guesses.  ::slight_smile:

I hate to disagree, but the new record was set due to East Coasters coming here to get earthquake civil defense updates on the All Things Food forum.    ;D

They’re probably just bots/spammers.

Wait there are other forums?
Cheers to my friends at the AHA, none of whom I have met, all of whom I feel I know.

And at least one troll

You’re probably right and more than one.


raises pint

It’s a place where we can all meet for one cause. Fighting for truth, justice and the homebrew way.  :wink:

I have actually joined a jeep forum. I am getting ready to rebuild my 1984 cj7. (the first of two)  i bought it when i first joined the navy in 1984.  i am hoping that the members their are even half as worthy as the AHA members.