I need more flavor.....

With my limited space I now brew mostly extract brews.  My recent and a couple in the past few years never seemed to taste right.  If I had to describe it, I would say they tasted dry.  That’s as good as my explanation gets.  That taste made them seem like they needed aging to come together.

These brews had no whole grains.  I think the taste I might be missing is unfermentable sugar.

What do you think?

Are you saying no steeping of any grains as well?
A simple partial mash of a few pounds could really add a lot of flavor to your process.

That said, some folks here might be able to really help you out if you were able to describe your process, including recipes, yeast pitching and fermentation practices.

Cheers, good beer is right around the corner. :wink:

only knowing that you said ‘extract’ I would suggest you only use DME to start with and if you want, and it will help, steep some specialty grains with it. This will make a huge taste difference over using LME.

we need much more information on your process. Just speculation here, but I have noticed that a lot of beers that are fermented warm can be “boring”. Fermentation, including pitching rates, pitching temp and temp control really is the key to bringing out flavor in beer.

the reason why I speculate that is because extract beers usually have problems drying out, as opposed to you saying your beer tastes “dry”. That reminds me of the way higher alcohols, such as fusels from high fermentation temps or low pitching rates, make a beer taste.

Also, a mini-mash may help bring out some more flavors, and could help the fermentation by adding FAN (Free Amino Nitrogen,) which is often missing in extract.