I think I messed up???

I don’t know what I was thinking but I didn’t chill my wort before I pitched the yeast. This is only my second batch and had a total brain fart. Did I just jack up this batch? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

if you pitch the yeast when the temp is too high, it can die or be adversely affected. but at this point, done is done. how long ago did you pitch the yeast? I’d recommend repitching - it’s gotta be cooled enough now. hopefully your sanitation procedures were good enough that you won’t be growing to many baddies. it’s good to keep some dry yeast around in case of emergency situations like this.

Did you pitch right after flameout?

If so…You can safely assume that those yeasties are resting easy now. How long has it been since you made the beer?

Resting easy? 
How about: Gone to that big pile of trub in the sky?  Flocced out?  Bit the autolysis?  Budding no more?  Cells be gone?  Yeast no longer able to feast?  Boiled in their own membranes?

I’d go ahead and pitch more yeast.  Like Mark says, it’s good to have some dry packets around just for this.  Like I say, never through away a beer.  Well, almost never.  Always give it a chance to work.

That too.  :wink:

I pitched the yeast at about 95 degrees. I checked today and I see the air lock doing it’s thing, but I’m pretty sure I still jacked it up. So, if I get more yeast and pitch it the brew will be salvagable?

Well, 95F won’t kill the yeast, but it won’t make the best beer either. Pitching more yeast at this point probably won’t accomplish much since the existing ones are already going. I’d just let it go. I’d expect you’ll end up with beer with off-flavors. Take it as a lesson-learned, drink it all up quickly, and start your next batch.

I’d change up the order there slightly… Take it as a lesson-learned, start you next batch, and drink the first batch all up quickly  :slight_smile:

Absolutely correct!

Thanks, I’ll do that.

Did you chill the wort when you discovered your mistake? And what type of yeast? I once pitched wlp570 in the 90’s and left it there. Beer was OK but I wouldn’t do that with just any yeast strain.

Hey it’s homebrewing. Mistakes happen. Lot’s of them. That’s why the term RDWHAHB was coined.  ;D

I don’t know what type of yeast it was. It was a true brew porter kit.

If you don’t see any air-lock action within 24hr. my guess would be that you were hotter than 95F, and did kill your yeast.  You could always put a positive spin on this and consider it a ‘yeast nutrient’ addition (that’s pretty much what Servomyces is).  If your initial yeast addition is dead, you should be fine with re-pitching at the correct temperature.

Well, I repitched the yeast at the correct temp and I still ended up with about a 1.030 FG from 1.070 OG. I transferred it to the 2nd fermenter and was shocked that it didn’t change a bit. Is there anything else I can do? or am I screwed?

In general, there is no need to transfer an ale to a secondary.
There is very little fermentation going on in a secondary fementor.
You can safely leave a beer on the yeast cake for 3-4 weeks, probably longer.
Since you removed the beer from the yeast before it was completed, you are stuck.
You could make a one liter starter and pitch the whole thing once the starter is actively fermenting.
Its difficult to restart fermentation under these circumstances.

I think it was complete, I’ve been getting a steady gravity at 1.030 for over a week. Is making the starter the only way to try to restart fermentation?

Can you give us some timelines?
Like date of first yeast pitch, date of second pitch, date of transfer to “2nd fermentor” (in my earlier post I took that to mean secondary fermentor, maybe that’s not what you meant), date(s) when you got a steady specific gravity of 1.03.
With some more information, someone may be able to come up with some suggestions.

Can you give us your recipe too? It is possible that it could just be done, depending on the fermentability of the wort and/or the attenuation capability of the yeast.

your exactly right, that is what my LHBS said. I altered a kit recipe and I was going by the original recipe’s stats. Thanks for everyone’s help and willing to fix what I thought was a problem.